I'm a former trauma therapist whose career was torn apart by a band of narcissists. The irony of my situation notwithstanding, my life has been deeply and hopelessly stalled. Before finding Melanie, I tried EVERYTHING to heal. Everything... from spiritual work, to meditation, to crystals, to every psych therapy imaginable. And while I've had incremental progress and feel far less anxious on a daily basis, I was inexplicably stuck in some type of "energy" that simply wouldn't allow me to move forward. Thankfully, I've recently discovered Melanie. After binge-watching her YouTube videos for a couple weeks and noticing profound insights and relief in myself, I signed up for her free webinar. The work she did in these three (intense) hours was not only therapeutically sound (imho) but profoundly healing. I was able to identify and heal (one of) the event(s) and fearful beliefs that had held me so inexplicably captive since the demise of my career. This memory involved my mother having a nervous breakdown when I was 8 y old, and slamming a plate I made her in first grade on the back of a wrought iron chair. This memory held deep sadness, fear, and a complete helplessness to help her. I was frozen in my fear response. This very moment embodied the energy that my life had become: helpless, hopeless, and frozen in a fear response. Wow... I'm blown away. I had no idea there was even more "inner child" to heal within me, or how to access it, even if I had realized it. (Again, I'm a former trauma therapist!) While I don't think everyone is ready for Melanie's quantum view of how healing truly works- from the inside-out- especially those who are deeply stuck in blame and resentment (been there!), this work she is doing is deep and profound and miraculous. Melanie embodies the grace, vibrancy, and love that she seeks to teach each of us to become. Also, I suspect that narcissists who stumble upon her work will NOT like her: for she is empowering the very victims they seek to (unconsciously) exploit. I can't imagine anyone authentically engaging with her who wouldn't immediately see the value of her wisdom. Speaking as a clinical therapist: there's nothing like this program available in the mental health world. (I'm speaking as both a clinician and a client.)