1 review for Militaria Net is not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

Customer service appalling! Bank stepped into to resolve
April 28, 2024

Purchased 3 German caps in Nov of 2022 and was happy with 2 but one was faulty/used. Sweat marks, the label clearly cut out, rust and rust stains as well. Not what you'd expect unless listed as such and it was not. Emailed politely explaining I was dissapointed as this was the main hat I wanted, and asked if i could send it back for an exchange (site showed more in stock). The seller agreed but told me that this was the last one and ask I cover the return postage upfront and he would add it to the refund once returned. Reluctantly I agreed, though I don't think it's fair that a customer should ever be expect to cover the cost of returning faulty goods upfront. I sent the hat back and hadn't received a refund for nearly 2 weeks after posting, at which point I emailed and received a refund, i can only assume the seller had forgotten about this.

After this I noticed the website showed these were out of stock.

May 2023, I saw the same hats were in stock again and presumed this ment they had new stock in, as it was showing multiple available in the size I had ordered previously.

I placed an order for 2 but never received a email confirming this. A few days later I emailed politely asking if it had gone through as i hadn't received confirmation. I said I had checked my spam and was unsure if i had accidentally put the wrong email in when placing the order (i hadn't). I received a very blunt passive aggressive reply saying "I did email, please advise", followed but an equally blunt explaintion that only one hat was available in the size I needed. So I confirmed I'd still like the one available and asked the other be refunded.

A few days later I received the order and was dissapointed to find that the item I received was the same faulty one I'd had issues with the previous year.

I emailed again explaining my dissapoinment, that I hadn't expected to receive faulty used stock again, and that I though he had new stock available as shown on his website. On top of this I hadn't received the refund for the cancelled item (must have forgotten about it... again).

The reply I received was disgusting, and was the beginning of a week's long awful back an forth with the seller. I won't go into all the details (pictures below if interested) as it would take to long.

But to summarise the seller took no responsibility for the faulty goods, blamed me as the buyer for being dissapointed with them after arriving not as advertised. He was rude throughout and swore multiple times and was just generally difficult to deal with. He refused to provide me with a returns label or even the address to sent it back to at one point, and again was insisting I pay to return it. But after his responses I was doubtful he'd refund the item let alone the return postage.

After one last message refusing to provide a returns later he told me to "...$#*! off, I'm blocking you".

At this point I'd given up trying to resolve the issue with the seller and disputed the charge with the bank instead. Not long after this I received an email telling me they're countering the claim and threatening me to send the item back or "...i will press legal charges against you".

After a few other emails I accepted my loss of the postage money and just sent the hat back to shut him up and be done with it, as the bank had at this point refunded me the money.

I also had a brief phone call with his wife shortly after who was much more polite and did apologise on behalf of her husband, but still really didn't seem to grasp where I was coming from as a the customer in this situation and how upset I was with the response and the whole hassel it had been. But to be honest this phone call did seem more like an attempt to get to me to cancel the charge back rather than resolve the argument as as soon as they found out it had already cleared with the bank they were no longer interested in speaking, so shows how much they really care and what they really think about their customer satisfaction.

Date of experience: April 28, 2024
1 review for Militaria Net is not recommended