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2 reviews
4 helpful votes

SImply the best customer experience
July 27, 2015

As a rule I really don't "Do" reviews especially if paying for a product or service, however in this case I feel the need to express my thanks and gratitude to PhP jabbers for their excellent handling of a recently completed project.

If you are not aware already http://www.phpjabbers.com provides excellent off the shelf scripts from simple "availability calendar" to full blown ecommerce shopping carts and "business in a box" solutions. All of which are easily managed by non IT literate clients (important as you do not want to provide a solution to your client if they are not able to use it!)

I first encountered http://www.phpjabbers.com in 2009 and at the time was impressed with the work completed by the now CEO Veselin Stoilov since then I have used PHP Jabbers on a number of occasions. This normally involves purchasing one of their standard packages and having it customised to meet a particular client needs. – A great feature is that I find with the "Live" demos of their products I can show my client what the product does to see if it meets their needs and if not I know that http://www.phpjabbers.com can customise it accordingly – this works great as the client knows what the finished product will look like.

Another advantage is that provided with a detailed statement of requirement for bespoke changes http://www.phpjabbers.com will give you a quotation based on what you want so again no hidden costs or nasty surprises. Again I have to say they are very competitive in this area offering excellent value for money.

I am particularly impressed with my recent finished project "Maria" who was handling my support ticket was simply brilliant! After a few initial exchanges to confirm exact requirements Maria offered an excellent solution to the particular customisations I needed. Throughout the development process Maria keep me informed of progress and was quick to ask for clarity to avoid the smallest possibility of any misunderstanding of requirements. I was particularly impressed by the resolution of a number of additional glitches that appeared due to my custom requests however these were quickly resolved and the end result is more that I could have hoped for.

The final solution is not only elegant but provided to the highest professional standards, I cannot recommend http://www.phpjabbers.comhighly enough and strongly suggest you visit their site at http://www.phpjabbers.com and look at the excellent products on offer – and if you need something a little different I am sure they would be not only capable off but happy to provide it.

In conclusion http://www.phpjabbers.com in my experience has always been a positive one and they have provided customer satisfaction to a high standard and I am confident that if you use their products or services you too will not be disappointed.


Date of experience: July 27, 2015