2 reviews for Minted are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

The website makes absolutely no sense
August 29, 2023

I upload artwork on several print on demand websites, as well as just regular online galleries. Uploading my profile picture, creating a bio, adding personal links, and most of all uploading my artwork, has never been more of a frustrating and somehow boring mystery than on Minted. I just see a useless Saved Designs page, with nowhere to upload a design. That's literally how every other print on demand website functions. As well as having the upload button almost everywhere. No, I am not technologically challenged and I won't even bother listing my credentials proving that yes, I know how to use the internet. I literally have 4 print on demand websites as well as my own website that I set up in minutes and I also update them with artwork in seconds. I literally cannot even find the upload button on here! Not anywhere! And the only upload button I do see shows up inconsistently with no rhyme or reason for select items apparently and it's just to test what the artwork would look like which doesn't solve the problem at all so don't say that it does. Now if it does solve the problem, I'm so fed up that I won't even continue bothering because at that rate it will be New Years by the time I upload and edit everything satisfactorily. However the sampler is pathetic, my artwork looks ugly on everything lol and no it's not ugly, I uploaded the simplest design I have (an autumnal paisley pattern) that is so foolproof and looks top notch on everything (it's a floral and swirl print made for print on demand, people) and the sampler just glitched everything and placed it on items randomly and I don't see where to edit to make sure it doesn't look like this on the final product. Even if the edit page exists, it's so ridiculously obscure to find (I'm being serious). But even if the sampler worked perfectly, it still doesn't solve where to actually upload and edit artwork regularly and properly. No wonder so much of the artwork on Minted is so bare bones and simple and cliche and uninspiring, because Minted's company is cheap, lacking, lazy, selfish, archaic, up their own you know whats, that they don't get staff to print actual artwork. Just watercolor pastel nothingness and cursive and I think I even saw in a demo someone literally drawing the designs on merchandise BY HAND. Also the only way after uploading for artists to get featured on Minted is if it's approved, apparently, whatever that means. But I haven't even got that far to cuss them out for insulting artwork since I can't even upload it! What a nightmare. And they didn't even ask for verification. It's almost like they don't give a deuce about artists by sending them on a quest to be artists. Which means there's a drought of professionals making anything decent for customers. And that the only people succeeding on Minted must be an oligarchy of sorority sisters who like the same thing and only help each other, or are cat lady spinsters who have the time to finagle with this foolishness. Over it.

Date of experience: August 29, 2023
2 reviews for Minted are not recommended