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North Carolina
1 review
18 helpful votes

5 star overall review
June 18, 2015

I recently ordered one of many items from Mobstub. Two of my packages were delivered to an incorrect address by a mail person that was a filler for my regular Mailman... The people who recieved my items were not honest and did not return them. I worked with the Post office and Mobstub sent me a lost package affidavit... BEFORE I even filled it out and sent it back via email... they had already replaced both lost items... I actually recieved them the very next day in the mail... ON MY PORCH! I have no idea how they did this! The Adobe file that is needed to fill out the form is a pain in the $#*! and doesn't work... But, mobstub was kind enough to take my word for it and sent me my items right away... I am not condoning the scammers out there... but, it was nice to know that we honest people DO count...
I have ordered everythng from Sheets, Tennis Bracelets, Earings, a watering hose and every single item has been of top quality. The closures on the Jewelry are sturdy, high quality abd just as they are described. I can only wear 925 silver and 10 carrat minimum because of my allergies... ALL the jewelry i have ordered is top quality and true to what is listed. I really can not say enough positive things about Mobstub... I am a very happy customer and will continue my relationship with them. And NO... I am not a fake person writting this... I am a real human being and NOT being paid! Hahahahahaha... Trust me... if they go south and do not continue holding the good standing in my mind... I will say so, in a heart beat! But, to date, I am very happy with them... The person I dealt with... Sachie... In customer service was a real doll too... took good care of me and was prompt in answering my emails... I don't like that there is no number to call... I think they need to change that... So, my over all rating would have to be 5 STAR...

Date of experience: June 18, 2015