2 reviews for MyPerfectWords are not recommended
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1 review
7 helpful votes

This site is trash!
May 5, 2018

This site is trash!
[16:31] V****************: MPW-***** - I submitted the information to complete the case study correctly. It was incomplete and the excel spreadsheet was wrong. I submitted HW from another site that did it correctly & it wasn't changed. Request a refund.

[16:32] Micheal Farber: Hi, thank you for taking out time and visiting our website. You are connected to Micheal Farber from the support department. How can I assist you today?

[16:32] V****************: MPW-***** - I submitted the information to complete the case study correctly. It was incomplete and the excel spreadsheet was wrong. I submitted HW from another site that did it correctly & it wasn't changed. Request a refund. I gave the writer HW with the correct method and didn't follow the method. Since the writer didn't use this method, the writer wasn't able to complete the case study!

[17:01] Chris: Hi, this is Chris Martin here with you from support department.
[17:02] Chris: Micheal is on break, May I know your concern please?

[17:02] V****************: MPW-***** - I submitted the information to complete the case study correctly. It was incomplete and the excel spreadsheet was wrong. I submitted HW from another site that did it correctly & it wasn't changed. Request a refund.

[17:04] Chris: Let me go through the chat, please stay with me.
[17:11] Chris: I am really sorry for the inconvenience may have caused you, please request a revision on the portal we will get it fixed for you.

[17:13] V****************: It's to late. The writer doesn't even want to change it. Wrote me & didn't want to do the work! Refund this incorrect case study. We are 14 days in. This is not working. The other site got the 2 HW assignments done 1 day before the due date! Refund this incorrect case study.

[17:20] V****************: I don't want another revision.
[17:21] V****************: The class is over.
[17:21] Chris: I am really sorry there was some technical issue with our messaging service I was unable to respond you.
[17:21] V****************: It's to late. The writer doesn't even want to change it. Wrote me & didn't want to do the work! Refund this incorrect case study.

[17:22] Chris: Please request your assessor to give you some extra time, I will change the writer for you.
[17:22] V****************: I don't want another revision. The class is over.
[17:22] V****************: I got my grades. It's OVER.
[17:23] V****************: The writer did not follow the guidelines I sent over & over.
[17:24] V****************: I sent screenshots & another sites finished work done CORRECTLY. The writer still didn't get it right!

[17:25] Chris: I am really sorry if you feel so.

[17:25] V****************: Compare the two assignments.
[17:25] V****************: You'll see it's WRONG!

[17:26] Chris: I can get it revised for you, If you are not happy with the writer I can assign a new writer for you.
[17:26] Chris: That's the best I can do for you at the moment.

[17:26] V****************: I don't want a revision.
[17:26] V****************: I want a refund.

[17:28] Chris: I am really sorry but that's not possible, as we have submitted you initial work well within the given deadlines.

[17:29] Chris: Company offers a credit back only if we are unable to find a writer for you but in your case we already have submitted you the final work well within the given deadlines. So, the refund is out of question here.

[17:30] Chris: Best I can do for you is just to assign a new writer for you who will complete your work from scratch.

[17:30] V****************: Not needed, now.

Date of experience: May 5, 2018
2 reviews for MyPerfectWords are not recommended