131 reviews for Namecheap are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
1 review
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March 2, 2025

Good I am very happy with my domain name woild purchase again

Date of experience: March 2, 2025
1 review
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Excellent Service
March 2, 2025

Best Experience Ever I have gained using namecheap hosting and domain services.

Date of experience: March 2, 2025
1 review
0 helpful votes

January 14, 2025

Namecheap - I read once that it is a reliable, powerful among webmasters hosting and registrar.

Despite the unimportant ping from many countries, it has normal prices (no longer relevant).

On the constructor that performs the function of a divorce for money for inexperienced users.

The main advantages of this service were - ICANN accreditation, free DNS hosting, high uptime, country of placement (USA), fast technical support.

Now I will trample the tales of some users, that Namecheap is holding on to its customers. My tale for you to ponder.

The problems began along national and demographic lines.

It is almost impossible for people with registration in Russia to work with Namecheap after the war in Ukraine started, and Namecheap does not care about further cooperation after the conflict is over.

They shout that they support Ukraine, realizing that they can't do otherwise (there are a lot of Ukrainians in the factory staff, maybe even illegals).
Support response - you are under US sanctions against Russians in Russia, you are all in favor of P... And you are in favor of war against, feed your regime. And they are patriots living in the US on a US visa to defend themselves.
But taxes through namecheap users of hosting or domain from USA to RF pay a lot and on time!
Accordingly, Namecheap refuse to serve all Russian users from Russia, Belarus (of course, after full payment of the account). BUT!

But if you are in another country in Russia, they will gladly provide services, only payment is in dollars for Namecheap. But strangely enough, any registration that Namecheap requires is registered to some murky private company registered in Estonia. Where that data of yours then goes, I don't know. But, do you really still want to cooperate with them? Next...

Further even worse! One domain ran out of registration, a week before the end I ask (not once!) how, when, how much and can I transfer or park my domain? Yes, of course, the answer.
We will do everything and keep the domain for you for free. You will then restore your site, and since your domain will be behind you, all no problem, we will help, do not worry!

Before the end of registration (a week in advance) domain parking to Namecheap's parking page - dns101.registrar-servers.com did not work, neither on that day, nor on all subsequent days.
No page migration - still the same error! Oops, check back later, something went wrong.
At the moment of reg. Domain expiration, support tells me: your domain is in the cart for activation, pay for a year of use and we will park you on the Namecheap page for free!. Which I tried to do before the payment deadline! But they Namecheap sure can do it, I sure don't know how to do it, I don't know how to do it and it has failed me many times since 2011. Aha!
So Namecheap waited until the deadline, and when the domain was not parked, untied and transferred to another registrar announced to me - pay for domain activation. Com, and there it is at a reduced price for $17.68 per year, and then you own it again and you're on our parking page rejoicing! Finita la comedia.

Correspondence + video recording of the screen, screenshots are useless, as in all support services include a fool, pay and everything will work, and that you did not work so you do not know how and it is your own fault that they have - oops or buttons do not work.

Lost a few hours on the evidence in correspondence and spit on them.

On this registrar only name, and the site is always on another hosting (do not keep all eggs in one basket), always remember the saying.

Restore 10 years of labor under another domain will have to, but I will not pay extortionists and scammers out of principle. I think a good principle of life Ok? Next...

Money on namecheap decides everything, and slogans promises from them are worthless, like a candy, the wrapper is beautiful, but inside is guano. There are facts of their dishonesty and photos and videos, letters and bank transactions are there, but it is not worth writing a lot.

For many years, domains were on the gr. RF and until now, and payment went to their account, even for 2025 easily, they did not refuse Russian money (US sanctions they have aha!). By the way, they still write that for money they will do everything for me! Wow, I'm shocked...

The problem is only with one domain *****. Com. But the reason to freeze the site for a while is only mine - the site became unprofitable.

But personally for me there is nothing catastrophic in it, I knew that there would be a trick in the extension (before that there were circus tricks from their side) and in payment (before that there were also receptions, refunds, confirmation of funds and from where).

But I decided to check, after all, a year has already passed, suddenly everything will be decent, fast, correct, without eyewash, they are not Nazis, they can and want to work honestly and openly.

But no, they did not resist, Trans-Taras showed itself. And it is not about the nationality of people and their place of residence.

Therefore, I consider this company Namecheap to be:

1. Fascists (they themselves determine to whom to provide services on citizenship, propiska and passport),
2. Scammers (did not give at the end of the term to transfer the domain to another registrar. Did not give free parking on the domain page Namecheap. Invoice and accept payment, despite their own "sanction" ban),
3. Thieves (left a vintage domain with a positive name in their possession to put it up for sale later and keep the money for themselves).

I wish you never to get in touch with such scammers as Namecheap, run away from such extortionists and look for information about registrars and hosting all over the Internet, using all browsers and all search engines!

Date of experience: January 12, 2025
1 review
0 helpful votes

January 4, 2025


Date of experience: January 4, 2025
1 review
0 helpful votes

Name cheap
January 3, 2025

Its better to have some pre dedined videos. Only support Web pages are there.

Date of experience: January 3, 2025
1 review
0 helpful votes

November 30, 2024

It was GREAT thank you for everything…… I have nothing else to say…..

Date of experience: November 30, 2024
1 review
0 helpful votes

November 28, 2024

Gratfull with this experience hope everything goes will

Date of experience: November 28, 2024
1 review
0 helpful votes

Great website
August 28, 2024

Very good would purchase agian super easy and fast activation

Date of experience: August 28, 2024
1 review
0 helpful votes

August 26, 2024

Been good so far no complaints
Costumer Service has been really helpful

Date of experience: August 26, 2024
1 review
0 helpful votes

August 23, 2024

It was nice experience and good surfing goood good goood

Date of experience: August 23, 2024
131 reviews for Namecheap are not recommended