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1 review
4 helpful votes

Horrible Business Practive & Even worse Customer Service
December 21, 2015

This complaint is for the San Antonio location. I purchased a voucher off Groupon for a fireplace cleaning and inspection back in October. I called to schedule my appointment and Amy informed me that the next available date for service was December 17th. No big deal I wasn't in a hurry and I figured that's what happens when a lot of people buy a groupon. We scheduled my appointment for between the hours of 5pm - 8pm. I thought great I don't have to miss work. She told me I'd receive a call 30 mins before they arrive. I sat around my house for 3 hours on the night of the 17th and no one called or showed. I left a message on their "after hours" voicemail to inform them that they didn't show up. I called them the next day starting at start of business. Amy again was the person I spoke with, she asked "oh is this so and so, on such and such street? We have you down for today the 18th between 5-8pm." I hesitated and then took the blame for somehow mistakenly writing down the wrong day and entering it into my phone calendar wrong. I'm 99.99% sure I didn't get the date wrong. I gave them the benefit of the doubt and was grateful that they were coming that day, December 18,2015. At 8:01 PM I came to the conclusion that they no called, no showed again! Now, I know for a fact that I didn't mess up the dates. They tried to play off their incompetence as customer error. I called that night and left another voicemail on their after hours line informing them of the no call no show, but it was Friday night and I knew they wouldnt be reachable until Monday December 21,2015. I called Monday December 21,2015 and spoke with Amy and she said they could have someone come out Wednesday between 8-12 to service the fireplace. I explained to her that I work during those hours and it wasn't plausible for me to take off could it be rescheduled for sooner and at a later time during the day. To be honest they've no called no showed twice I really didn't have much to go on to believe that they would actually show up! I requested 3 times to speak with a supervisor; they hung up on me twice. Amanda the supervisor called me back and refused to let me speak. She said that she could get a service tech out sooner ONLY if I took down a bad review of their business off of yelp! SERIOUSLY? Threatening a customer because the company is inept? Absolutely not, she then became belligerent and wouldn't let me speak. She told me that they wouldn't service my house and that I was better off getting my money back from Groupon. She continued to be belligerent and it took reciprocity from myself in order to get her attention. I asked to speak to her supervisor and she told me that there wasn't anyone higher than her. I asked her if she was the CEO, and she said it didn't matter she wasn't going to let anyone service my fireplace. She didn't care that I was going to report them to the BBB or devour them on Social media. Nope! She also informed me that they only get paid $30 of that $65 groupon payment. Her snark implied that this is why they don't care. They don't make enough money from groupon to care about those customers. I asked her why advertise on there if you can't handle the volume and if it's not worth it financially. She didn't appreciate that question and continued to tell me that I need to call groupon and get my money back. I'm not sure how they stay in business. I have requested a refund from groupon and filed a formal complaint with the BBB.

Date of experience: December 21, 2015