170 reviews for Overstock.com are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
8 reviews
3 helpful votes

"All Things Home For Less" is their slogan. Should be "All Things Home at a HUGE Markup".
May 5, 2023

I purchased a Nestl deep pocket sheet set from Overstock in 2021 and loved them. They fit super well, were soft, never moved or slipped off, and had this feature I LOVED where the straps that help hold the fitted sheet on are 2 different colors (black for one end of the bed and white for the other) so you can easily get the sheet on correctly on the first try. The only thing that I didn't love was the color, which was more orange than red, so I finally decided to order a new set from the same link to ensure I got the same exact sheets, only in a different color.

The sheets were $52.99, but I got a coupon that brought them down to $39.74 before tax. It was a bit odd when I received the sheets because my favorite feature (the black and white straps) were no more. I compared the new set to the old set and also found that while the old set had the Nestl logo on all the tags, the new set had no logo or brand name whatsoever. I searched for a contact number or email to contact Overstock, but all they list is a number to text, which I did. An hour and a half passed from the time that the text said I would be sent to a live representative and when someone presumably responded and I had fallen asleep during that time, so the request timed out. It did, however, finally give me an email address as well as a phone number. I tried the email first, on 4/24, so I could include the photos that showed the differences. I also emailed Nestl to ask if they had removed these features from their sheets.

Nestl responded first, on 5/3, and indicated there had been no product changes from 2021 through today and to reach out to the seller directly. As of today, 5/5, I still had not gotten a response from Overstock, so I sent a follow-up email before remembering that a number had also been provided, so I reached out that way. The rep indicated that he could tell it was the same product because they had gotten it from the same 3rd party manufacturer, Sanders Collection. First I told him that it made no sense to me why they would order a Nestl profuct from anyone other than Nestl and then I looked up Sanders Collection while on the call. They are a bedding company in NY and they have 5 brands listed on their website that they sell, none of which are Nestl. He gave me a contact number with an 847 area code, which matched where Sanders Collection is located in NY. For comparison, however, I also looked up Nestl while on the call and it gets a bit more interesting. The contact number he gave me for Sanders Collection matches Nestl almost exactly, with the only difference being the 1st two digits in the center section of the number are transposed, while only the area code matches Sanders Collection. Now, out of further curiosity, I tried to go through the process of ordering the exact same sheets I had just purchased from Overstock and got quite a surprise: the sheet set, when bought directly from Nestl, is only $29.50 with no discount applied.

The Overstock rep started to squirm a bit and first indicated that they probably charge shipping that would make it about the same. No, they do not charge anything for shipping. Then he indicated that the 3rd party manufacturer most likely marks up the product price a bit for profit (which is why it makes no sense that they would involve a 3rd party). When I pointed out that they are supposed to be a discount site that sells items for LESS and I purchased an item at a 44% markup instead, he offered me a refund. Since it's taken me so long to get a hold of anyone there, I've now had the sheets 2.5 weeks and they're on my bed. I don't even have the package anymore. So then he offered me a coupon on a future order. I told him not to bother because now that I know how much they actually markup the items they are selling at a supposed "discount", I will never shop there again.

I highly recommend trying to price check any item you may be looking at on Overstock directly on the manufacturer's website, as the price will probably be significantly less. Also, I'm fairly certain, based on the tags on these new sheets, combined with the information Nestl provided, and now finally comparing the detail on the pillowcases in the set sold on Nestl compared to the set I got from Overstock, that I also got a fake item at a 44% markup, so I imagine most of their other items are not the real deal as well.

I've ordered the sheets again, this time from Nestl (where I wasn't even charged tax, so $29.50 is all I paid). I bet I find their logo on these sheets.

I received my sheets ordered directly from Nestl for much cheaper than Overstock and guess what - the logo is on all the tags and the straps are black and white. Overstock is selling a fraudulent product at a vastly inflated price. I've filed a complaint with the BBB. I want my money back. I'll even return the sheets to them if they send me the package and label to do it. I wouldn't have tossed it had it not taken weeks to get in touch with someone. Photos of new Nestl sheets added to show what the genuine article still looks like (same as 2 years ago, but a different color only because I ordered a different color).

UPDATE 2: Got an email response from Overstock Executive Offices on May 19th that they are refunding my full purchase with no need to return the sheets and they are reaching out to the merchant to clear this up and the listing will be removed in the interim. Out of curiosity, I just pulled up the link. The link is still open (listed as Nestl sheets), and their full price is $51.99, although they are on sale for Memorial Day for $34.49 before tax... Still over the $29.50 final price I paid for the genuine article with no discounts applied. They clearly have no plans to change their ways.

Tip for consumers:

Don't expect to get the brand you are being advertised and expect to pay more than if you simply bought the genuine product for the actual manufacturer.

Products used:

I ended up using the sheets because I could not get a hold of anyone at the company for 2.5 weeks, but I have now ordered the set directly from the manufacturer. When I received that product, it had all the previous features that I ordered for, including the logo on the tags, proving Overstock is not selling a genuine article. I've filed with the BBB to request a refund for selling a fraudulent product. I am willing to send the sheets back if they send me the package and label to do so. They're frauds.

Date of experience: May 5, 2023
1 review
0 helpful votes

Customer Service NIGHTMARE
July 21, 2022

Unfortunately I purchased a Chair on Overstock.Com, I was told Chair would be delivered one date then was told it would be delivered on another date. I received an email in the morning about 9am that chair was in route and would be delivered today of course I was at work, so I asked to leave early to be home for delivery because I live by myself and this was a 700.00 Recliner that they cant leave it outside.At 1030 I checked tracking and it still said delivery today, at 1pm I checked it again now it says Delivery Transport Problem. I called the 801 number for Customer service, the woman told me yes its coming between 11 and 3. When I asked her to please check with delivery at Fedx because now it saying something else, at first she didn't want to but then she did. When she came back on the line She then told me that Its not coming today, after I left work at 1030 because they said it was coming. I asked why didn't someone call me? She said it's not there responsibility? I said ok well I can't be home any other time so just cancel the order and my account. She then Hangs up on me... I call back ask for a Manager, I than got to speak to Nick M. I explained to him what happened and that the rep hung up on me after I told her to cancel my order.He than said to my dismay. Why would Overstock.com call you to tell you it's not coming today? Were not delivering it? Noooo apology for me taking off work or her hanging up on me? I couldn't believe it. I then told Nick M. The Supervisor that I dont want the product and cancell my order and my account. He then said to me thats fine you can call FedEx and cancell, I told him I dont have a number your a boss with Overstock and I'm Your Customer and I'm telling you to cancel order and my account... All my emails came from overstock.com about delivery and when it was coming, No one else... Where is the Customer Service? There is None... Not once did Nick M. Apologize for me missing work, losing money, No one calling me to let me know there not coming, and not getting my product. What a HORRIBLE experience... How can they Keep any Customers. GOOD LUCK BUT YOUR NOT GETTING MY BUSINESS

Date of experience: July 21, 2022
1 review
0 helpful votes

Awful customer service
December 20, 2021

Just terrible do not reccomend. Would not use ever again. Never again

Date of experience: December 20, 2021
1 review
1 helpful vote

Overstock.com lack of response & professional service
June 29, 2021

Overstock Order # *****XXXX
Serta Luxe Edition Grandmere Plush Pillowtop 14-inch Hybrid Mattress

Lets review this order dilemma so that we have accurate information.
(copies of email correspondence is attached at the bottom)

Placed the order on Overstock.com on April 1,2021
Money was taken off my credit card on April 1,2021.
On May 21st, (over 50 days later) I contacted Overstock questioning why I had not received the product, and had never heard from anyone.
On May 21st, Elsie V. in customer care acknowledged my request.
On May 22nd, rep. York replied and said it would take him 3-4 days to figure it out.
5 days later on May 27th, John J. An Escalations Specialist replied that they tried to reach me at an old number and needed a current number to contact me to set up delivery.
On May 27th, I responded with my mobile number that was already attached to my account.
I questioned why they had not emailed me.
3 days later on May 30th, Michelle P. An Escallation Specialist II, replied that I had given them the old number when I ordered. Since that number was disconnected a year prior, that could not be accurate.
On June 4th, John J. An Escalations Specialist responded saying that the carrier had my new number and would contact me within 2-3 business days.
It is now June 14,10 days after promising me 2-3 days contact, and 75 days after placing the order and I have still not heard anything.

My thoughts on Overstock.com and their specialists, and complete lack of professional service:

They were quick to charge my credit card the full amount (April 1st), and notify me that the status was "shipped awaiting tracking update" (April 1st). That obviously was a lie. But used to justify charging my card immediately. And then Overstock did nothing.
I ship and receive many items and have NEVER had a shipper have to call me to set up a delivery.
Most supply email updates, but your specialist claims that "Our partners & the carriers they use will not contact you by email under normal circumstances as they will always make attempts to reach you by phone." NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES? Would you say that not doing anything for almost 2 months is normal circumstances? Does this fall under non-professional service? Probably more like absurd service.
When I gave them my other contact number you responded saying that I would be contacted in 2-3 days. That response was already 9 days after I had given you my number on May 27th. Under these circumstances, I would expect a professional organization to have contacted the supplier and requested that they contact me immediately!
It has taken 4 different representatives to accomplish very little, to nothing so far.
Instead it appears they are doing their best to dodge any responsibility.
This falls under the worst customer service of any company, and complete lack of professionality.
80 days after order product was delivered!
Overstock's response was basically to detail the order process almost identically to my complaint.
They finished by saying the order would be delivered. They gave me the carriers phone contact so I could call them! They wanted me to do their job! One they found almost impossible to do. They acted as though that was normal.
How long would it have taken if I had not followed up continually?
In all my correspondence, Overstock has never addressed the fact that they took my payment when I ordered.
Eighty days before they delivered it, and they. Never addressed the eighty day delay or the fact that their representatives did virtually nothing after I contacted them.

Tip for consumers:

STAY AWAY FROM OVERSTOCK! If you have ANY problems, they will not offer any help.

Products used:


Date of experience: June 29, 2021
1 review
8 helpful votes

Beware you are not receiving Memory Foam! Please read experience before you buy.
June 5, 2021

Ordered on May 26th /delivered 06/04/21 I ordered: (1) Slumber Solutions Active 12 Charcoal Memory Foam Mattress.
Here is what I got including the customer service support. Got home today the box with the matress was out side my front door just like the bed I got 2 years ago. When I removed the box I noticed
this was nothing like the description. I removed the box and right away I could see this was not memory foam (Not the same as advertised) How could I tell the difference you ask? I have a simular mattress same everything except its a single and that one is memory foam.

Begrudgingly I took it for a test spin only to sink down into the most uncomfortable flimsy non supportive Piece of S**t!
It might work for a new born or an infant. Realizing I just carried out the old couch pillows dragging it across the back of my filthy apartment complex where transients post daily peepee and poop around the dumpster area. Thinking good riddance of this old couch cushion I thought nothing of it to
Drag it through some human feces. Fast forward to the appointment, time to call Overstock CS., and yes the thought had now
Entered my mind that I may be dragging the old cushion back up stairs. Oh no! I waited on hold after 10 minutes agent Mi****l answers with broken
English. We got up to the part where I told him No Way! Not going to pay for this! This Is not what I ordered. What (See The Statement) I'm not paying $500.00+tax for this! I fully intend to dispute it with my credit card. Now I have nothing to
Sleep on. This conversation was followed by more disappointment when the guy says We will have to send a team out to inspect the mattress.
What? OK, how long is this going to take? Can he or she come now? No Sir… Mr. Berwald you have to wait for someone to contact you in 4 days to make
An appointmeant to inspect the memory foam. So where am i at rt now? To let you know I swallowed a big lump of disappointment and dragged that
Old thing back thru piss and broken glass. Here is what you should know: Sight on seen make sure you understand the dissimilarity on firmness. Memory Foam does not diversness of memory foam There might be some modals to include such additves e.g., Memory foam+gel There may be slight variations between the diferent manufactures to. The one they shipped to me today was 12' The specs are almost the same as far as the memory foam is concerned. Memory foam is supposed to be memory foam! Does not bounce it shapes slowly to contour your body and it should be firm to the point a groan man 6'2 190 pounds should lay on top with very little give Supportive and firm without actually being a board. You should feel as if you are floating without pressure points and not sinking into a bubble bath. Foam mattress's are cheap and often get sold to unsuspecting consumers as a bait and switch if it feels like a cushion on a sectional sleeper. You will rarely find true memory foam on a sofa under a $1000. 00. This is the end of part one!

Part 2 "The remedy and how long it took for Overstock to fix the problem; what they did to fix the problem? I will upload description of the materials so you have a better understanding and make a better decision. If they dont want to play nice "you opened it you bought" I will most likely file a complaint with the California Department of Consumer affairs and file a complaint with the BBB And any other consumer advocate and reviews.

Date of experience: June 5, 2021
2 reviews
2 helpful votes

Go elsewhere if order counts as "Oversized" - you'll never receive it!
April 7, 2021

Overstock is great when the items are SMALL and inexpensive but I caution you if you are ordering anything oversized or expensive.

We ordered tile for our master bathroom renovation on March 8, and was told to expect its arrival by March 19.

But then it got lost. At this point, I was made a promise (verbally, mind you, and never written in an email to me), that if the original still hadn't been found by Monday, they would issue a replacement.

No one called, I had to call them, and was told that no one made that promise, and that if it wasn't in writing they wouldn't stand by it.

By March 23, it was still lost, and they finally ordered a replacement. Great, you would think... now were getting somewhere. Except that a day later that replacement was canceled and I was told I'd still have to wait for the original.

A week passes - still waiting - and on March 31 I finally get word that it's in the area, and to call to coordinate delivery.

So I call the local logistics company to setup the time. 2 days later I'm informed that it's damaged, and asked if I would like what is not damaged. I say YES, I've been waiting for weeks and our construction is on hold. Today, April 7, I find out that the 3rd party logistics company who delivered it to the local company, has put a hold on it, and I can't even get my hands on the unbroken material.

So I call Overstock back, and ask for a supervisor, and am told that someone would contact me in 2-4 BUSINESS DAYS for next steps - for $1300 worth of tile that I still do not have a month later (mind you, we've spent over $3500 just in the last month). I ask if I can speak to that team directly, and am told they only communicate by email, not phone.

Bureaucracy is rampant, no one actually cares, and if I wasn't pestering them along the way, I don't think anyone would have actually even called back.

According to my orders page, this order has been returned and the replacement order canceled, so all I can really do at this point, is call Amex and cancel payment as hope for the best. If I had known on March 23 that I'd still be waiting I would have just ordered from Amazon (who still had stock of the same tile at the time, but doesn't now) - they haven't failed me once in 10 years.

Attached pictures are of the damaged tile at the local distribution company, that I still cant get my hands on - so close but so far...

User's recommendation: Go elsewhere.

Tip for consumers:

Just go elsewhere

Products used:

None, it’s still not here..

Date of experience: April 7, 2021
5 reviews
18 helpful votes

Terrible return policy
September 10, 2019

I bought a sofa from Overstock - which was apparently through a 3rd party seller called VIDAXL. The sofa, when it finally arrived after two weeks or part deliveries, arrived broken - the frame is cracked and so the leg can't be put in. I contacted Overstock and 3 weeks later have no resolution.

Firstly their online message system is terrible. You can't message the seller without resorting to email. In other words, Overstock doesn't want to know about your problems, unlike Amazon, which logs every message.

Secondly, Overstock's customer service consisted of 'you need to contact the seller'. Nothing else.

After contacting VidaXL directly, since Overstock were of no help, Vida XL at first told me they would replace it. After waiting a week for a return shipping label, I was told that I had to rebox and return the sofa to their courier for the return shipping (which they would pay for). But the responsibility for returning the item to the courier rests with the customer. If like me you cannot carry a sofa on your own, and even if you managed to get someone to help lift it, you don't have a car big enough to hold the sofa, then you are screwed. They will keep your money while you have to keep the junk defective broken furniture. BTW, they never thought to tell me this in the week I have been waiting OR to mention this in their return policy on the Overstock website?.

I took this up with Overstock who said they would 'escalate this'. That 'escalation' was an email saying that VidaXL's policy doesn't have a pick-up for return and that the customer has to take it to the courier. I have taken a screenshot of the policy and NOWHERE does it say this. The CS rep at Overstock agreed with me when I asked her to look at the return policy and tell me where this was stated.

BUT this is the response that I got from Overstock ''I see that the Marketplace Seller offered to issue you some return labels for the item, which honestly is more than Overstock would offer You would need to go through the effort to box the item up as well as drop the item off, as our sellers do not have the option to have the carrier pick the item up, but they will take care of the cost. Please respond to the seller and work with them on this continuing to resolve this issue.''

Just read that last part of the first sentence and it will tell you everything you need to know about Overstock and its return policy. Overstock cares more about its seller than the customer. The fact that that's #more than Overstock would offer' is simply amazing. What a crap useless policy especially when it relates to heavy furniture.

They are nothing like Amazon and in future I wholly recommend sticking with Amazon. Oh, BTW, VidaXL sells on Amazon I have found out so BUYER BEWARE of VidaXL.
Overstock's return policy is fraught with ridiculous requirements - to the point that you will have to end up making a claim against your credit card company

And stay away from Vida XL. Their furniture is extremely poorly made cheap Chinese junk. They have no pick up policy so you will either have to repack and lug the furniture to their courier's nearest drop-off point or claim against your credit card as I am now doing.

Tip for consumers:

Don't buy HEAVY furniture from Overstock OR its 3rd Party vendor VidaXL

Date of experience: September 10, 2019
South Carolina
2 reviews
5 helpful votes

Horrible Experience with Overstock.com
June 30, 2019

I recently made a large purchase via Overstock.com. This was my first "big ticket" experience with them, having only ever used them once before for a small gift. I ordered a full King bed set including mattress, box spring, headboard/foot-board with railing, sheet set and mattress cover. First of all, a few days after I placed my order, a customer service agent contacted me to verify my billing address (we moved to last fall) and I confirmed that address I had on the order was correct. Several days after that, I received two communications that one of my orders had just been delivered TO THE OLD ADDRESS! I did make sure my new address was on the order when I did it on my phone, but somehow, it defaulted to our old address evidently. I immediately picked up the phone to call and let them know that it was the wrong address and there was a second item scheduled to be delivered later that day, so I wanted to avoid that as well. They seemed very confused, trying to find fault in my ordering process rather than being interested in catching the shipments and re-routing to the correct address, and I started receiving email and text dings telling me my items were delivered TO THE WRONG ADDRESS! I reached out to them in every feasible manner to make sure they corrected this and was told, after hearing different stories from three different agents, that this person was going to take care of it and follow up with me personally - I never heard back from her. I continued to check my shipment schedules (because, of course all five items had to ship/arrive separately), and no changes were made to my delivery address. I continued to call and try to follow up and eventually, items were re-routed to me and my shipping address. I'll save the painstaking details of the relentless constant attempts by me to make sure there were no more mishaps, but again, every time I called customer service or texted them, I seemed to get someone who tried to give me a 'pat' answer and I had to ask them to please read the account notes before responding. Weeks went by and I wasn't getting updates, so eventually someone named "Stefanie" started responding via email to try to give me some kind of update - but they could not provide information on the bed furniture as it was a large item (obviously being shipped from China or another country). I tried to contact the shipper and for weeks, got an information unavailable page - until finally I read that it was supposed to arrive at the local port (about an hour from us) and then I'd heard from someone to get delivery scheduled - needless to say, I did not hear any thing. I continued to contact the shipper, who eventually ended with Schneider Trucking, and as of a few days ago, I got my furniture. I ordered these items at the end of May and it took a month to get all five items. I have no problem with the actual items, for the most part, but I will never, EVER use Overstock.com again under any circumstances. Their customer service was far lacking in their ability to appropriately handle this situation and then the shipping companies that they used were inept as well.

I know a lot of people swear by and have had good experiences with Overstock.com and to that I can only say, you were/are lucky. I hope no one ever has to experience what I went through when placing an order. I learned several things during this experience and will probably think very hard before making a large purchase such as this online. I thought I would take advantage of some Memorial day sales, little did I know it was not worth the frustration.

Tip for consumers:

Don't order big ticket items from Overstock.com unless you're willing to sacrifice good customer service and risk potential shipping issues.

Products used:

I purchased bed items (mattress, box spring, mattress cover, sheets and head/foot board furniture with railing.

Date of experience: June 30, 2019
17 reviews
89 helpful votes

Went from bad to worse..
June 12, 2019

I had an Overstock.com credit card until I closed it 6+ months ago. 75 % + I ordered something I had some kind of problem. Whether it was "stolen" or arrived in boxes damaged or damaged items or looked very different than what I ordered. Even after calling and had something replaced that item was stolen or never arrived... so, I close my account and continue to make payments until I pay off the balance June 7,2019. I called received the full amount of payoff made payment. Goodbye. Good riddens. It was processed by our bank
Then, on June 11,2019 I receive an email stating I owed 60.00. Mmmm... strange. Acct closed and paid off.
I call the bank associated with Overstock.com. The rep was nice HOWEVER in speaking to her she said the payment was due on June 3 2019 and that was a "late fee" that was not included in my payoff amount received when I called and spoke to the bank rep. I paid what they told me was my payoff.
It gets worse on their part. She said "by law once an account has been closed we cannot go back Into it to make any changes"..."otherwise I would provide a courtesy and remove it".
Okay. The account was CLOSED AND PAID OFF IN FULL JUNE 7,2019 so how am getting a late fee on JUNE 11,2019 even after my payoff was processed with my bank by then arrive IF THEY ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO GO BACK INTO MY ACCOUNT. SHE TOLD ME IT WAS AGAINST THE LAW SO THEY JUST BROKE THE LAW.
I believe this is bull**** and a scam. They pretty much bagged themselves on the phone. I replied to customer service that I would NOT be paying this as my account was paid off processed & closed when they contacted me on June 11 2019.
I did business with Overstock.com for many years and had some problems albeit minimal.
Buyer beware. UPDATE: I filed complaint with BBB & a week ago I received a letter from them, (not BBB), stating that it was my problem and I have to pay the 60.00! They went into my acct after It was closed and paid off! Yes, the dates were close. That's not the point. I was told in the letter from their bank rep Overstock.com that it was my responsibility.
Hello flashback. Bank said they cannot go into acct once closed and paid off but they did and they are not getting the 60.00. They cannot go back in and add a late fee! They did exactly what they said was against the law! Wrong! I'm not playing this game!
Enough said! Consumers are tired of being ripped off!
I'm not paying!

Tip for consumers:

Don't! There's a lot of what you're looking for on other sites. Just Google what you want and all the sites that carry what you want will show up. You don't need the headache.

Products used:

I bought a lot from Overstock over the past few years. I paid all my debt off. They did send me a product one time they said was delivered but was either stolen out of my porch foyer of was delivered at the wrong address.

Date of experience: June 12, 2019
1 review
2 helpful votes

BEWARE: They do not stand by their products
February 25, 2019

We purchased a outdoor dining set in August 2018. Early February 2019, 5 months later and after two rain falls the wood slats warped and discolored. I sent them photos. They agreed there was a problem. They went to the manufacturer, manufacturer said we don't care, we do not stand by our products.Overstockedwithgarbage.com basically said the same thing, that they dont stand by the products because they didn't have the clout with the manufacturer and wouldn't accept this liability.

Date of experience: February 25, 2019
170 reviews for Overstock.com are not recommended