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7 reviews
21 helpful votes

Resolution Center is a complete joke!
May 18, 2023

I've been a customer with PayPal for over 15 years. I opted for PayPal when making purchases for security purposes 'So I won't be scammed' by fly by night deceitful businesses'. I ordered a security outside camera from a company named (EKOMM SOCIETY L TD). They sent me the camera in Japanese on March 13th 2023. Once I downloaded the app I was unable to change the language. Therefore the camera is not operable for me as an American. The camera won't sync, It just clearly doesn't work It won't connect to the internet and won't do anything. I have several external/internal cameras around home. I asked the company to send me one in English or refund me back my money, but they refused. I even paid an extra $10 a warranty fee just in case something happens to the camera. Clearly EKOMM had no intentions validating my concern. They Literally wanted me to send the camera back to them in China. For almost two months I went back and forth with them. I then put it in PayPal's hand and I filed a complaint. PayPal did not validate my concern or even investigate the company. They just did their normal back and forth BS as everyone does these days. JUST VERY BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE NO ONE WANTS TO DO THEIR JOB. No matter today is May 11th and I've closed my account with PayPal. Once I closed my accounts with them they offered to give me back my money and investigate the company. I told them NO "I'm not going to spend my money with any entity that does not serve me well." This is to say I'm very disappointed in PayPal and it's happening everywhere with bad customer service. No one wants to be held accountable for their business tactics, professionalism, ethicalism, or bad customer service. I'm of the OLD SCH class! I don't spend my money where I'm not represented. I am very disappointed in how PayPal handled the situation and I still have this stupid looking camera that doesn't work. PayPal account closed... As we all know there is no such thing as a zero rating there.

Products used:

PayPal is a third party supposably for security purposes purchasing site..

Date of experience: May 18, 2023