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1 review
0 helpful votes

Terrible Order Processing
July 19, 2017

I always had high regard for pottery barn and have purchased items from them previously but not recently. I doubt I will buy from them again.
I'll go ahead and list the one positive thing about this ordeal was the customer service representatives I spoke with were very polite and as helpful as they could be. That being said my order is still in limbo and most stores would already have an item I ordered shipped at this point!
I received an error message when placing an order over the weekend and so I thought it hadn't gone through and I'd just order again on a weekday. Well I noticed the charge for the order pending in my bank account. I called customer service and they couldn't find any record of the order so they said to wait a few days and the charge should just disappear. It hadn't and I got an additional email a few days later saying my order was to be processed and I would receive confirmation on it. I call again and a representative can't find my order number that I was given.
I was given a number for order processing and was told they might be able to find it. At this point I'd had more trouble than I ever had ordering something online and just wanted to cancel the order. I spoke with someone with order processing who was surprisingly rude and useless. Having explained the situation and how I just want to cancel this ghost order that nobody else can seem to find but that I definitely got an email about I'm told "Well it's not in the system so it should just cancel eventually". All this while there's still a purchase charged to my card.
Never in my life have I had this much difficulty ordering online and I wish I had read reviews before placing an order.
UPDATE: I was contacted by a social media lead who was helpful and informed me that because of the card I used it might take longer for the charge to be taken off of my account. It was taken off 2 days later so in total this was a week long ordeal. Still unacceptable in my opinion and if I hadn't made this review I wouldn't have been contacted by someone more informative and would have been in limbo until the charge cleared. If I had wanted the order after all it would have possibly been a week until I had found out the order was never processed. I do not plan on even attempting to shop online here again.

Date of experience: July 19, 2017