10 reviews for Pretty Little Thing are not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

September 14, 2023

I ordered a matching set from PLT and unfortunately the wrong bottom was delivered. I reached out immediately thinking that they would of course fix their mistake. Sadly, I was mistaken. They told me that I had to return the incorrect item and then they would send out the correct item. I asked if it was possible to just rush ship me the correct item (the event I intended to wear this set for was days away) and then I would return the skirt still but that way I wouldn't have to drop what I was doing to fix THEIR mistake. They were unable to do this. I'm a mom of 2, one is homeschooled and one is literally 2 years old and I work from home full time so I could not just drop everything and go to the post office for a mistake I did not even make. Anyway, the event came and went and I had to wear something different than what I wanted. Fine. I decided that I no longer needed the set since I had nowhere to wear it and that I would return both the top and the incorrect skirt. But as I went to return the items, it said I would have to pay for return shipping. This made no sense to me, as I am only returning due to their error. So I reached out to their team again and a man named Lorenzo sent me a code for a free return. I was amazed how quickly he was willing to help! Except. There is nowhere to input a code for returns. And you don't know that until you're already done setting up a return. Shocker. I reached back out again and this time I spoke with Luz. She said I would have to make two separate returns and then pay for the return of the top. Annoyed by the complete lack of empathy and common sense, I re-explained the whole situation. I would clearly keep these items if only the correct items were sent in the first place. It was meant to be a set. Do you understand how sets work? They usually match. What I was sent in the first place did not match. Not only did they mess up the outfit I was so excited to wear for my event, they now expect me to keep part of set without the matching bottom or pay for the return! And sure, I could just keep the top and wait until they send me the matching skirt. But I purchased this for a specific event! And I could not wear it! Because of PLT.

They have all been so quick to apologize and yet have done nothing to rectify the situation and make right what they did wrong. I will never, ever shop with this company ever again.

Tip for consumers:

Terrible customer service

Products used:

Ordered a matching set

Date of experience: September 14, 2023
10 reviews for Pretty Little Thing are not recommended