6 reviews for Princess Polly are not recommended
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2 reviews
24 helpful votes

NEVER believe all these fake positive lying bots reviews of princess polly!
May 21, 2020

NEVER believe all these fake positive lying reviews of princess polly! DO NOT believe the fake positive lying reviews! All princess polly did was pay sitejabber and trustpilot to have a bunch of fake positive reviews bots on here!

Princess Polly clothes suck and it's extremely cheap poor quality, I ordered these dresses, jeans, and tops and they were all terrible quality, none of them fit and i bought a size 2 and 4. And all they did was steal clothing designs from cheap websites like alibaba and slap their expensive price tag and name on it.

And their return process is horrible and nobody responds to the emails or calls. I have tried to return something before and nobody ever responded to me through email or phone so I had to just dispute the purchase with my bank! They don't care about customers all they want is money by selling their cheaply made overpriced crap clothing. And all those pictures they have online of the clothing is of course photoshopped and fake, and all the "models and girls" are fake and photoshopped, they are not real life people. The clothing is obviously photoshopped because reality, when you receive it, it's poor quality and will never look like the photos you see because those photos are all photoshopped.

And NEVER believe any of the reviews you see on their website saying "i love this it fit so well it's gorgeous", all those reviews are fake and lies just posted by princess polly employees and comnent bots they bought and they type in what they want each fake positive lying review to say, and they also paid to have all those fake positive lying reviews bots generated on their website and on here!

Princess Polly is nothing but a scam!

And it's false advertising and a lie on their website when they show alot of their items as "sold out" in size 0,2 and 4. That's a lie and false advertising because nobody is buying their cheap overpriced clothing cuz nobody can't afford it and nothing but a bunch of fake positive lying reviews on the princess polly website for clothing items. They are not some well known clothing company and you never even see any advertisements of them anywhere because nobody knows of princess polly. And their clothing items will eventually break and fall apart and buttons will eventually fall off, there is nothing good to say about princess polly except for the fact that they're CRAP!:)

WARNING: DO NOT buy from them! Let them go bankrupt and lose money due to their extremely terrible customer service and cheap overpriced clothing and them buying all these fake positive lying comment bots reviews on here and on their website! :)

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Date of experience: May 21, 2020