2 reviews for Project Casting are not recommended
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1 review
2 helpful votes

Project Casting is NOT Legit, It IS A SCAM, The CEO is a Fraud
April 20, 2022

This business is not legitimate, it is a fraud, a scam. There are many reviews online which all say the same thing, that this website gave incorrect information about the billing process and then charged people 109$ a month for the year up front when people were promised a 9$ a month subscription. Then there is no refund process and no phone number to call for customer service. What kind of business takes your money and refuses to provide a conflict resolution number? A scam.

I signed up for this site, and unless I pay my profile isn't even visible. Essentially it's a blog with a social media style dashboard and profile, and all of the acting calls are stolen from other companies, and are often inaccurate. Companies have complained that everything on project casting was taken from their sites and re-posted, so they offer nothing original that you can't get elsewhere.

I checked online and my research uncovered the fact that the legal business address for this company connects to a shady shared office space which has hosted many white collar crime enterprises, which have been charged with various crimes like insurance billing fraud and the sales of fake debt acquisitions. What kind of legit business rents an office out of a space shared by numerous fraudulent businesses entities? A scam.

The CEO Jonathan Browne lists his job on LinkedIN as "CEO of Project Casting" yet one online filing shows that in the last filing period, the company only grossed 6,500 appx. How is that his "job" if it doesn't make a liveable wage? How does he actually earn a living? Is scamming a job? That's arguable.

Even on this site here, site jabber, the company puts its deceitful nature on full display. Among the reviews here, you will see one from a "Megan D" and a "Jonathan B" which are Megan D Kirven Browne, and Jonathan Browne, the married couple responsible for this fraudulent activity. They had to post fake reviews here on site jabber as the real reviews were all terrible. What kind of company sucks so bad the CEO and COO have to leave fake reviews pretending to be their own happy clients? In one such fake review Jonathan complains that people are unhappy with the site and shouldn't be as it's "free" but if its free why so many users griping that their money was taken deceitfully and not refunded? In Megan's fake review, she claims to have gotten numerous jobs through Project Casting, BUT I have seen Megan's online actors resume and she hasn't even gotten as many roles in her entire life as she claims project casting got her as a client. FAKE!

In addition, authorities should be asking these two scammers what they know about a certain crypto death threat scam!

This pathetic married couple has been running this scam for years, and it's time someone put them on notice. Their actions and behavior is unacceptable, its dishonest, illegal and downright immoral.

Don't join this website, you'll be sorry!

Tip for consumers:

Don't USE THIS SITE! Its a scam!

Products used:


Date of experience: April 20, 2022
5 reviews
36 helpful votes

No Jobs
November 24, 2012

No Jobs on Site

Date of experience: November 24, 2012
2 reviews for Project Casting are not recommended