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1 review
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15 in 1 Hydra Beauty Skin System Facial Machine
January 17, 2025

When it came, the FedEx guy said one the wheel came off, he's a little concerned. I literally send message to my favorite Rejuva Fresh reps, Michelle, I said Hi Michelle are you there?, while waiting for response, I toke a picture of each side. Michelle response and i sent her the photos and told her that the wheel came off, and FedEx guy still here and i didn't sign yet. To clarify the wheel of the box came off. While waiting for Michelle response. I told the FedEx to please waiting and telling him that I am waiting for the reps Michelle what to do next. The FedEx guy is also calling his manager and telling me, he can't wait longer. I said Michelle will be responding shortly, he is actually waiting for me to sign the release and I don't want to sign the release without Michelle's approval. Michelle response sign the release and I will take care of the rest. She said will rely my concerned to her team. I signed and the FedEx guy help us move the box in with my 14 year old son while I am doing the video. Here comes another problem. When i looked at the box each side has steel wires that locked. Me as not a handy person i don't have the tools to cut the wires to remove neither is my deceased husband not a handyman too. I ask my dad to knock at my neighbor's house to borrow a cutter. While my son is doing the filming and I am the actor trying to open the box with the scissor hahaha guess what nothing happened. I was very frustrated. Eventually my dad came back with a cutter on his hand and was able to cut and open. The filming continues to unpacked and packed.
I would like to suggest to the Rejuva Fresh management that maybe you let your buyer knows of what tools to prepare when opening the box and what tools is need to do installation. So, that your customer who bought the machine is fully prepare when the package arrives at customers front door.
Other than that i am happy. I give 5 stars. Michelle and Carol (technician) made an effort to assess and assured me that the replacement wheel will be sent to me. Infact I received message from Carol, she's sending me the replacement wheel on the mail with the photo. That is why I love them because they comply of all my concerns. I love my machine too and looking forward to training.

Date of experience: January 8, 2025