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New York
1 review
1 helpful vote

Thank you Scamhelp!
November 22, 2022

I was a victim of an online trading scam to FXC Markets and lost roughly ******. I want to share my experience with other victims so they don't go through what happened to me. When I realized I had been scammed in May 2021 it was a crushing experience. I reported the scam to my local police station and nothing was done about it, I was just given a case reference number. I then went online and found a fund recovery company called 'My Payback'. I spent 8500, plus a 12% success fee on my money when it would be recovered. This was a total waste of money. My Payback just gave me a template of a demand letter to my bank and told me to send it to my bank and nothing happened. I had sent 12 wire transfers from my bank to multiple offshore accounts in US territories. My Payback never responded back to me, after I submitted the demand letters they prepared. Then in October 2021 I was desperate and broken, I kept searching for companies that could help, and at this point, I found a company Scamhelp. I filed a complaint online and a day later I was contacted by 'Brian'. He was very patient with me, analyzed all the case details, reviewed my evidence and then proceeded with a quote that included the services of their in-house legal counsel (Leon Hill) since I was told I would only achieve success result with a real lawyers backing in the case and he is American lawyer registered with the Californian bar which I verified. I paid an initial 4000 to Scamhelp under a payment agreement that I would pay an additional 4000 in 30 days plus 11% of any funds recovered. I had to wait until late March 2022 until Scamhelp really started to work on my case. I then spoke to Scamhelp's US lawyer Leon Hill who walked me through the recovery process. In April, Leon Hill personally sent demand letters to my bank requesting my funds be returned. There was no response for over a month and then my bank sent a letter stating that they would only return 34K of the funds I lost. Then Leon Hill sent out additional letters during the summer saying that my bank was breaking US federal law, KYC and anti money laundering acts, as I had transferred the funds to a US Bank accounts in Puerto Rico and the Marshall Islands therefore we would not be accepting the offer. Several weeks passed and Brian from Scamhelp told me to be patient. At this point, I was suspicious I had been scammed again. And went into a deep depression. Then in late October, I received a call from Brian and he informed that my bank had made a final offer to pay me back ****** of the ****** I lost since I was advised it would have to go to a civil court and that could cost more than ***** upfront with legal fees. I decided to take the offer and finally received it on Thursday, I can't believe it still, I am in Shock! After over 2 years of being scammed, I ended up with roughly ***** after I paid Scamhelp *****, the 8000 for the initial fees and the extra 11% success fee for the funds recovered and plus of course the stupid 5000 that I wasted on My Payback. Although I didn't get all my funds returned, I want to thank Scamhelp and their team, especially Katherine and Leon, for getting a good settlement offer. The recovery process was extremely painful but at least I didn't lose everything. Sometimes communications could be better because some weeks it was hard to get an update. I highly recommend Scamhelp to other victims but be prepared to wait for several months before you actually get anywhere. I am happy though, thanks again guys! I can finally breathe

Tip for consumers:

Be sure to understand it does take time the whole process and service

Date of experience: November 20, 2022