1 review for ScanDigital Photo Scanning is not recommended
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1 review
10 helpful votes

October 14, 2013


Don't send your memories to ScanDigital - they lost all of my films! I am absolutely heartbroken. Through unbelievable months of ignoring my calls, employee and facility changes, and a flawed tracking system, the end result is that 30-year old precious movies including my son's first baby steps and Christmas are ALL GONE!

IF YOU SENT MOVIES TO SCANDIGITAL in the last half of 2012, PLEASE CHECK YOUR ORDER TO MAKE SURE MY MOVIES WEREN'T ALSO SENT TO YOU - and if you have movies of a baby that you don't recognize, PLEASE contact Matt Stone at ScanDigital! If you received film containers you don't recognize, my film containers are the small Super 8 plastic canisters that are bright blue and white. They had stick-on embossed labels from a label maker from the 1970's. The drive I sent with my order was a small LaCie drive in a black plastic surround.

I had contacted ScanDigital before ever sending them anything to ask if my films would ever leave their facility in California. I was assured all processing was done on site. That was not true! After receipt in the Torrance facility, they shipped my films to Ashland, Missouri. That was in August 2012. I not only sent them my films, but also a portable LaCie drive, as well as a letter listing and describing everything I was sending. When my order #***** didn't progress on the website "tracking system," I started calling and emailing. I was blown off a number of times, promised return calls that never came, and received "pat on the head" emails, until December 2012 when I finally was put in touch with Matt Stone, ScanDigital co-founder and COO.

It took more months to finally learn that the ScanDigital "Essential Tracker System" showed my films and drive were put in a box with other people's films in California and shipped to Missouri, but were never received there. In a sealed box - Matt told me the other orders in the box were apparently received, but my order was missing. NO red flags went up, NO computer alarms went off, NOBODY noticed an order was sent but not received. Despite my numerous calls and emails, NOBODY went searching for my memories!

One of the first things Matt said was that he hoped somebody didn't do the unthinkable and trash my films. WHAT? Finally Matt said he notified employees, searched the facilities, and contacted other customers who might have received my movies or my drive in their orders. Had they started searching when my films first went missing, they may have found them - but by the time they started looking, we were months into it, and the original employee who scanned in my order didn't even work for the company any more.

How could this possibly happen in a system that is supposedly so bullet-proof? I was told every item should have a barcode, and yet they "said" they were contacting customers trying to find my films and drive. And the final outcome? ACCORDING TO THEIR "FOOLPROOF" TRACKING SYSTEM, MY FILMS AND LACIE DRIVE DISAPPEARED FROM A SEALED BOX SOMEWHERE BETWEEN CALIFORNIA AND MISSOURI, AND NOBODY NOTICED.

It is now more than one year later. I have not heard from anyone at SacnDigital for months. To date I have NEVER been offered my money back for $80 Groupon I included with my order, or compensation for my $125 drive which was lost with my films!

The website says "Hundreds of orders shipped daily without a single loss" - well that's simply not true! I have learned a truly heartbreaking lesson.

Date of experience: October 14, 2013
1 review for ScanDigital Photo Scanning is not recommended