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1 review
16 helpful votes

I ordered a recreation of Bonne Bell's Skin Cooler,...
April 22, 2013

I ordered a recreation of Bonne Bell's Skin Cooler, which is an 80s perfume that has long been discontinued. It was a very light, fresh, clean scent that is hard to describe. What came was in a nice engraved bottle, but it smelled of coconut. There was NO coconut in Skin Cooler. This liquid smelled just like when you're on the beach and everybody is using that generic tanning lotion and the whole beach smells like a warm coconut (which I can't stand!).

In looking at the company's policy, they are now saying that you have 90 days to send the product back if you're not satisfied. But what I think is going on here is the company is run by a person/persons who just do not know what they are doing, trying to recreate perfumes. Or they think they know what they are doing, but they don't... or they try hard, but they're simply not good at this and should give it up and take up flower arranging or something. For example, I could never figure out just what Skin Cooler was, even though I liked it so much. Is it a floral? Fruity? Spicy? Woodsy? I've been using it for years, but never examined the issue too closely. I don't know anything about recreating scents, but even I know that perfumes have what they call "top notes," "bottom notes," etc. So I searched on the internet to see what I could find for Skin Cooler. One site listed that it had "top notes of nectarine and fresh cut grass with a heart note of pear blossom; middle notes of jasmine, bamboo, and white rose." Now I could see why I liked it so much, as those are all scents that I like, with nothing stinky, spicy, or overbearing.

Now, if you claimed that you could recreate a scent, don't you think that you'd have access to some "master book" that listed all these notes for every perfume that was ever manufactured? And if you had access to the book, why the heck would you throw coconut in there? Unless you didn't have access to some master list of exactly what the scent consisted of, and maybe you just threw salt over your shoulder or used a dartboard or something. That's called "guessing." So whoever is recreating these scents seems to know little to nothing about how to recreate them, and is just winging it. That's why most of them come out horrible.

So my conclusion is that we don't have here a case of somebody being negligent or malicious and recreating these god-awful scents. We have a case of somebody who doesn't know what the heck they are doing. Maybe they should have apprenticed with a master scent re-creater or educated themself, but they didn't and the end result is this incompetence. Even if you have a list of all the notes, it's up to the re-creater to put them in the proper proportions, which is probably something that you can get good at only with a lot of practice and a very good nose. My advice is to stay away from this company until they can improve their service and actually offer what they claim to offer.

Date of experience: April 22, 2013