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1 review
1 helpful vote

December 11, 2020

You brought up the following issues. And subject after we explained how difficult our life is caused by an expert at plumbing heating.

You have paid attention to the wrong part of the text. The intention of the text is to draw attention to a plumbing problem. We've shown out text and the faulty cylinder installation to a very senior and able engineer with a power company. He understood in minutes, all of it. He said this- 'You Know What You Are Doing'. There's a so called 'Plumber' making UTUBE films in conjunction with Grahams. He has mentioned his illness and also looks ill too. No we did not contact him about that. His intention was explaining Plumbing. We didn't need anyone to explain that. Its obvious. No we did not send him sarcastic remarks. You are totally wrong in writing aggressive texts about an issue like ours. If the ill plumber he needed health help we would provide what we can. We wrote to Hancock before any virus. We have now find out that the area he lives is involved with cover ups re suicides and Suffolk Police are implicated. Are you on a substance because you're logic is deeply flawed. We also asked Hancock why when we got in touch with the Pals org they put a suspended notice across their site. Al; so within that Hospital we found piles of leaflets advertising clueless people.As advanced psychotherapists we are alarmed and flabbergasted by the responses to our text. They remind us of a badly brought up kid who has a justifiable grudge. If people in the UK cannot even read a long paragraph there serious issues with this country. If they cannot be polite and helpful then it seems the UK is going down hill.

No we did not write to Hancock Minister or Hancock HM MP about plumbing, We wrote about health.We were emphasising within Scrwfix Forum how difficult life is being ill and having to remedy bad and dangerous work carried out by 'professional's which cost orig £1000. Hancock was contacted because I was left to die for 7 yrs. I was screaming in agony every nite and was praying for death. I got no competent help whatsoever. At one Hosp I spent over an hour doing therapy on the 'Doctor'. In return I got a one inch tube of free sample cream. At another Hospital I was told that the following symptoms were normal aging- Extreme pains at nite travelling down back and terminating in thighs. Scales all over body including growing across eyes. Extreme reactions from food. Extreme Oedema, body like balloon and so on. We had trouble getting into that p[ace because of sharp stones in the car park. There's photos of Police on the walls. That's the Hosp which does cover ups re Mental Health issues. That incl girl jumping from window after visiting the place. The coroner listed a football manager and property expert. The HM Courts protect him. The Local Press act as PR. Hancock was also contacted because we could get no response from any UK Surgery or Hospital. Nor could any response be got from Local Govt Councillors posing as health experts We were told this by Local Govt 'If There's Anything Wrong With Local Govt The Public Must Go Get A Lawyer' We were told this by Social Services- 'There No One Needing Help' We are aware of 30.000 avoid deaths. As psychotherapists we were getting results in 6 hours that NHS and private system failed to do in 20 yrs. We were told to stop the work because it was costing the system its jobs. We then began to get Police attacks. We also experienced Death Threats from UK HM Court system. No we wont 'Write To The Queen' because we were warned by clients from the start that she was part of the MH system scams which has killed so many people. We were told this ' Don't Expose What We've told You Because The Queen Is Behind It And She Controls Parliament. You Will End Up Dead'. We, during 12 yrs traipse thro Cent London found out that the victims are right. The 1000pp evidence was shown to BBC who suggested hiding it abroad.The EEC was approached re Minister we took victims to. The people in his area said this- 'Everyone In This Area Knows He Is Insane' We exposed it and he went down. He had controlled the giant MH Hospital that we moled. They admitted killing people. Theree is no Govt because or corruption at the Electoral Commission. 26 Universities. 24 Police Areas. 150 Councillors. 50 Parish Councils. We had to spend our money getting rid of a local HM MP cos he was an ex Animal Food Seller who, suddenly became and 'expert' at Police. Law. Mental Health and God knows what. He refused to answer simple questions. We experienced more Police attacks after the questions were sent. We repeat, all this is pre Virus.

We never ever pretend to be writers or authors. Can you do advanced Psychotherapy? If so how come all the deaths over period 35 yrs. If we ever get to run this country the people replying to a well written text will have to reform. There's a curious sameness about the horrific, clueless responses. It would not surprise us if its a desperate attempt to achieve an outcome beyond those writers capability. Despite that conclusion. God help Europe if the people on here are typical. No wonder the EEC Brussels has made this statement- 'Nothing Can Be Done About Corruption Nor About The Death Threats You Are Getting From The HM Court System ' They don't have any problem understanding. They know it very well.If this is how Screwfix Operate then we will avoid them in future and we were about to spend about £290.00

In all the years we have worked on Mental Health clients we never came across anyone with the destructive and clueless attitudes as the peole who failed to respond properly to our request for advice. Cant read a long paragraph?. Go see your GP. Blaming us for your own failings is a failure. Pull the other leg. We aint fooled.

Date of experience: December 11, 2020