Essentially I loved the service. I thought it was a neat way to introduce readers to many different authors (not just best sellers) and essentially transform reading for their members. Since I initially started years ago, there have been many changes including adding audiobooks and giving credits for both e books and audiobooks... lucky me, I'd always check audible before actually using a credit because there are a lot on there they want you to pay for that would otherwise be free or cheaper on the web...( I would list more changes but there's too many).
The main issue I'm having now is support for one. Almost and entire week and I haven't gotten a response. I've got 2 tickets open, multiple messages and screenshots.
I noticed my account had been paid monthly without fail... but I wasn't even using the Scribd service. I didn't necessarily fret about this initially, as I knew my account was accumulating credits. Well the credit accumulation changed (grrr) but dealt with it anyway... Until I started noticing the minute my auto renew payment did not post I lost my credits.
I contacted scribd before and was given 1 credit. Ticket closed? Next I had maximum credits for both audio books =3 and e books =8. My plan was set to bill January 7th and was paid. Not only once but twice (somehow) on the the morning of the tenth I went to my account and bam all credit brought down to entry level. There policy states that multiple measures are taken before that happens.
1. An email (not received) stating there's was problems with renewing giving you a reminder. 2. There were supposed to be multiple attempts to collect payment and renew service, one beginning a few days after initial attempt. Neither of these were done. By the morning of January 10th they were all gone.
Now I'm wondering how often did this happen? As I'd been too busy to pay attention. I know what you're thinking? Why didn't you just cancel?
Well I would have cancelled... way earlier except you lose all credits if you do. Keeping you in a cycle... I would assume that since you paid for the darn credits you should keep them, regardless of whether or not you want to continue their service the next month. YOU PAID FOR THEM! (Besides at the rate I was going I needed a few months just to catch up and use my credits!)
So I stayed, again not having time to look at this as close as I should of... I just kept it. In hindsight I think the company secretly hopes for these kind of situations. Now here I sit... no one has contacted me, they've had my money all these years and I have no idea how much I essentially received and how much I've paid for nothing. I am owed in the least all of my credits back, or all of my money back. It would even be good on them to give me 2 free months for all of my hassle and allow me to catch up.
So disappointed!