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1 review
0 helpful votes

Dont... just dont.
November 29, 2021

Shift's website looks great, very shiny, great ux and looks super slick. Big banners about the network of their '***** drivers' and great customer experiences. Dont be fooled.

I got quotes from shift and anyvan and shift was less than half the price at the time i thought what a bargain, should have been the first red flag.

I got an email after a day or two stating they were yet to find a driver to do the job. Given that the job was very time sensitive I wanted to clarify when i could expect to get a driver allocated and if i could cancel free of charge if they weren't able to find a driver. The only way to contact them is via there instant message service where you can jump through various hoops trying to talk to an actual person instead of a bot. When I got through to someone, they were marginally better than the bot but had there standard script from which they could not deviate, they didnt know if they would find a driver and no... as stated in ts & cs I wouldnt get a full refund. How helpful.

They did find a driver in the end... phew great news. The status updates on the website are pretty useless. They have a map of the route implying it gives live updates of the drivers whereabouts... it does not. Tried to contact the driver... no answer, full answerphone. Driver and additional shifter did turn up to pick up the fridge freezer so no worries. Turned up at my house a bit later. They then struggled to get the fridge freezer out of the van, the second shifter was just not strong enough. I ended up helping them with finally getting the fridge in the garage. They said goodbye and it wasn't until then I noticed the damage to the fridge. I contacted shift and explained the situation. Cue generic message number 2..."as stated in ts and cs you need to contact your driver about compensation"... they are no longer our drivers, we are actually just an agent with a shiny website. We can't offer compensation, we can't act as a proper intermediary and deal with issues. We aren't even as good as uber. The Customer services team just have a standard script and offer no assistance just saying they are 'sincerely sorry but theres just nothing we can do' and 'you should have read the t's and c's you idiot' (paraphrasing).

It's cheap but you get what you pay for. All style and no substance. Just dont. Go and use a proper move instead of this folly. I'm furious in case you couldnt tell.

Date of experience: November 29, 2021