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1 review
2 helpful votes

The online community ruined it foe me.
September 16, 2020

Last straw. When a Christian poster stated that Athiests here Heathens in the online community...

Date of experience: September 16, 2020
2 reviews
7 helpful votes

Poor customer service
September 16, 2018

I will start out that I have used the SparkPeople program for years and give it 5 stars. It takes a while to get your recipes together, but thats with any program. Over the years I have lost 60lbs.

With that said and I highlight this next information.

I finally tried the app on my phone and its fine EXCEPT if/when you want to stop the premium account. There is no easy way or instructions on how to do it. I thought I canceled on my ITunes acct. I was told through a bland/ semi rude email I have to do it through my premium acct on the app. Again no instructions how, where to go or anything more than a sign off.

So long story short... I was charged another month and still not sure I canceled properly. Guess I will wait and see if I get charged again. Booooooooooooooooooooooo and BIG thumbs down.

Date of experience: September 16, 2018