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New Jersey
1 review
5 helpful votes

Doesnt work! Worst Customer Service Ever! Crappy speeds lmfao
April 12, 2018

Legit worst company ever im a teenager (explains why <--: 3) so i need decent internet speeds. For exmaple: Video games and watching youtube requires a decent internet connection. This internet is so bad i can BARELY watch internet unless if im next to it. I cant watch 720p videos (unless if i want my phone to buffer for 3 years) and can barely watch 480p (some buffers). Gaming is a NO (DONT BUY THIS FOR GAMING) ive had many times when my internet would crash and id get disconnected from the server. Hell even downloading games is impossible a simple game like Overwatch (about 16gbs i think) takes 7 hours YES 7 HOURS and thats if you payed for there best internet connection. Im just rating this 1 star because of my hate. JUST BUY FIOS OR XINFITY WITS WAY BETTER;-;. Also btw we bought 4 internet connections <-- (Are you kidding me we have to buy 4 just to enjoy the 200 mbps that you advertised) and they suck: 1 internet connection gets below 5 mbps up and down one gets 15 and 7 one gets 30 and 10 and the other gets 70 and 25. Its sucks dont buy;-; i only wrote this review to get my anger away xD

Date of experience: April 12, 2018