1 review for Sunbasket is not recommended
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3 reviews
5 helpful votes

Too vegetable-heavy, poor customer service, and what's up with the no salad dressings?
June 6, 2021

For starters, the first encounter I had with this service is when i attempted to change my payment method to a different credit card before I had received my first order. Although I understand the first payment had already processed, I wished the recurring payment to be billed to a different card going forward. I was unable to change my card on the website, and I went through several tiers of phone customer service only to find out they could not//would not help me, either. I instead chose to terminate my service, although I still had that first (and last) delivery outstanding. When I received my delivery of 3 meals, I was very glad I'd gone ahead and cancelled before committing to a 2nd delivery.

All of the meals I received were less than satisfactory. The first one was a salad, but in lieu of dressing they just supplied plain apple cider vinegar. ACV may be trendy, but I've never found that it makes for much of a dressing, even when mixed with one's own oil. I used my own balsamic vinegar instead (in addition to the aforementioned oil). The amount of vinegar they sent, as well as the protein (pancetta), were laughably inadequate for the amount of vegetables. This is nothing compared to the next meal, also a salad of sorts -- no dressing again; instead they just sent a small blop of flavored mayonnaise for an enormous salad. The protein in this alleged bulgogi salad was a huge disappointment, too -- I had thought from the picture that it would be pork strips, but it was ground pork. Not great in salads. The 3rd dish was the best, but again not that exciting -- a small amount of coconut shrimp accompanied by, you guessed it, a huge salad (no dressing). What is the deal with salad dressing? Did it get cancelled when I wasn't looking? Well, huge heaps of raw vegetables taste like crap without it. Plus, eating half a raw daikon (as the 2nd recipe prompted me to do) made my stomach hurt. A lot. In fact, I had a stomachache for the entire 3 days we did Sunbasket. I've tried 7 meal delivery services, and they were the 2nd most expensive, but by far the worst.

Tip for consumers:

Only use if you like overpaying for a basket of raw produce.

Products used:

Meal kit

Date of experience: June 6, 2021
1 review for Sunbasket is not recommended