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What Is The Function Of Crane Ocr?
November 9, 2021

SURAJ INFORMATICS' Crane OCR automatically recognizes the details of containers and equipment during loading and unloading landing operations.
The STS Crane handles it using our fully integrated Crane OCR System, which automatically reads and registers the ISO code of containers. To activate and process data, the Crane OCR System communicates with the Crane Program Logic Control (PLC) system. The advanced image seizure and recognition system is mounted directly on the crane and communicates with the crane control system.
The benefits of Crane Management Service or OCR installation on cranes are numerous, but one of the most significant is a significant reduction in the number of employees below the cranes, which is one of the most dangerous jobs in the terminal. Examiners or colleagues in charge of registering and unloading container numbers may be placed in a secure working environment remotely. Because Crane OCR automatically connects containers with a high degree of accuracy, only exceptions require human intervention, and you can conduct remote exception management on the building's security if necessary.
The Benefits of Crane OCR
Crane OCR from SURAJ INFORMATICS automatically captures every container movement during vessel loading and discharge operations. The sophisticated image capture and recognition system is installed directly on the crane and includes a user-friendly interface for managing any exceptions in real-time. Terminal operators benefit from the following advantages by making transaction and container details available in real-time:
Improved Productivity: by eliminating data input and/or task confirmations, the accuracy and velocity of transactions are increased, resulting in higher throughput and improved container inventory accuracy. Operators have the potential to introduce errors and make data entry mistakes.
Safer working conditions: There are no physical inspections in the berth area, no clerks are required to acquire container positions in the event of stack errors, and fewer clerks are required to work under heavy equipment.
Centralized Control: By using automatic checker information capture, one can move to an exception-based operation with central control.
Damage Archiving: Container conditions for every transaction, both inbound and outbound, are saved as proof for any future claim handlings.
Crane OCR collaborates with PASS Navigator GOS to provide exception and daily remote processing monitoring. In summary, Container OCR Solutions enabled port operators to realize benefits such as increased crane efficiency and productivity, lower future maintenance costs, visualize remote container OCR system status anytime, anywhere, and ensure network reliability.
SURAJ INFORMATICS has installed the Crane OCR System on hundreds of cranes around the world, covering a wide range of crane manufacturers, disperser configurations, and modes of operation.

Date of experience: November 8, 2021