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1 review
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T Mobile Liars & Thieves - Worst Cell Phone & Internet Ever!
December 13, 2024

I became a New T-Mobile customer in December of 2023. I got reeled into getting the 5G Home Cell internet service on a trial basis. I got COVID and was unable to bring the unite back in until after the trial period ended, on January 23,2024. I brought it back because it sucked worse than my DSL. I live in a rural area. T-Mobile did not give a crap & said I would be charged a prorate for the time I had it. Fine, I just didn't want the service and so I asked the T-Mobile rep to cancel it. I also called T-Mobile right after, to let them know to cancel it. T-Mobile's website was problematic. Many times, I was kicked off the website or the website was non-responsive and I was unable to see my account online and so I gave up. I trusted that T-Mobile would charge me for just the cell phone service I signed up for. BIG MISTAKE! I was able to get online without a problem 2 days ago and noticed that T-Mobile is still charging me for equipment I don't have and service I cancelled, that I cannot even utilize without the equipment I turned into T-Mobile back on January 23,2024. I immediately called T-Mobile and their customer service rep said that they have record of me returning the equipment on January 23,2024 but they don't have any record of the separate call to them I made, cancelling the 5 G internet service that I cannot even use without the equipment I turned into them. T-Mobile is refusing to refund the $540.00+ of false charges over the past 12 months. The T-Mobile rep blamed me for the charges for the service, I was not receiving, because I did not monitor my account & that I did not call T-Mobile to let them know I was being charged for a service I cancelled on January 23,2024. I am on auto-payment and paperless billing that the T-Mobile's customer service representative sold me on and gave me discounts for agreeing to use, when I signed up. I feel that T-Mobile intentionally promotes auto pay & paperless billing, so that you don't catch T-Mobile right away, in their theft. These charges are fraudulent and T-Mobile knowingly stole my money for equipment and service T-Mobile knows I didn't have and am not even able to use without their equipment. I have filed a complaint with the FCC & the FTC. I will look online to see what other agencies I can file a complaint with, to get my stolen money back.

Tip for consumers:

I wish, I would have never switched my cell service.

Date of experience: December 11, 2024