1 review for TED is not recommended
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265 reviews
1795 helpful votes

I love TED (stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design...
August 1, 2009

I love TED (stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design but has moved beyond just those perspectives). TED believes in "Ideas Worth Spreading" and presents various talks, all available online, by geniuses and leaders on different topics. Every speaker has an idea, invention or innovation to share, and I find each one utterly fascinating, even if they come from perspectives I've never even considered. If you like Charlie Rose, Democracy Now, NPR, etc you might like TED. An excellent and engaging talk (and one of my favorites) is one by Sir Ken Robinson on how schools kill creativity in children: http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/ken_robinson_says_schools_kill_creativity.html

Date of experience: August 1, 2009
1 review for TED is not recommended