7 reviews for The Military Gift Store are not recommended
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Flag Shadow Box
April 4, 2024

I love the flag shadowbox. It is the perfect size

Date of experience: April 4, 2024
North Carolina
1 review
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Amazon reseller.
February 1, 2024

I ordered a gun display case. I spoke with the "owner" of the company, I thought. The case was $269.99 and an engraved plate with three lines of text was $40. When the case arrived the packing slip showed that it was ordered off of Amazon from SF Display Co. So I looked up SF Display company and it appears their listing and picture was simply copied - the same exact picture and case, that they sell for $154.99. They also offer an engraved plate for $7.50 with three lines of text. So I emailed my findings to the Military Gift store and his initial response was,

"...as far as the case: Sfdisplay have different grades of cases, and we have sent you the higher grade.
If you are not happy you can return the case - and feel free to buy the cheep one that you seen one line!"

It's the same case. So I contacted SF Display company and they replied,
"I am sorry to hear of the issue. Unfortunately this is a ongoing issue with Amazon and it is something we cannot control.

Basically these guys make websites and resell peoples products. When they get a sale, they just buy the item off amazon/ebay etc etc and it gets shipped from these companies.

The companies that get the order from this guy they have no idea what they are doing, all these orders are pretty automated now. So there is no way to filter these orders out.

They buy it for the actual price on amazon, so lets say the rifle case is – $150 / they buy it from us for – $150 and resell it to whoever bought it off there shadowbox website for say – $250

We as the company that got the order, have no way of knowing what they do or who they are when they buy it.

They buy it as if they are a normal customers, they use normal emails, with the customers shipping address.

Trust me it disgusts me this goes on, because the consumer that bought the product paid more then they need to.
It does not benefit us in anyway. And these guys made money for basically doing nothing. So we do not condone this in anyway. Unfortunately it's impossible to police."

I kept the case because If I asked for return it would have just been sent back to SF Display company who did nothing wrong. Then If I re-ordeed it from SF Display company it would have cost them money to process the return and re-ship the case. I did not feel that was fair to them.

Buyer beware!

Date of experience: February 1, 2024
1 review
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Memorial Flag Case
February 1, 2024

Good quality. Efficient service. Resonable prices.

Date of experience: February 1, 2024
1 review
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Very refined product
December 11, 2023

Could not be happier to put my dad's WW2 flag in a place like this.

Date of experience: December 11, 2023
1 review
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Capital Hill Flag Case
April 12, 2021

I ordered a black Capital Hill Flag Case. I received a cherry Capital Hill Flag Case.

Date of experience: April 12, 2021
1 review
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October 13, 2020

Looks great...

Date of experience: October 13, 2020
District of Columbia
1 review
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Challenge Coin Holder
March 12, 2020

THANK YOU fits all sizes of coins and I am happy with the product

Date of experience: March 12, 2020
7 reviews for The Military Gift Store are not recommended