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3 reviews
7 helpful votes

Customer Service is aggressive, threatening, and nasty.
January 8, 2021

I've called, emailed, used their chat, and no response. They've had my money for 2 weeks with no acknowledgement of having received it, although PayPal and their own website shows I paid for the unit in full, and my address has been confirmed.
After several emails, several calls, and several chat attempts, I finally reached someone on chat named "Cynthia" who tells me she is really "Abby". She then explains the "*******@thinkvacuum.com" account "doesn't work" and I shouldn't be using it. How on earth am *I* to know their emails don't work? It's the email they put on the invoice for customer service, so other than phone calls, I have no where else to turn.
She explains "We always answer our calls up until 6 p.m." although I've called as early as 9 a.m. PST (They are EST). No, they do not.
And on chat, the "correct answer" is "call us in the morning, we always answer phones in the morning when it's not so busy."
Terrible service. Terrible company. Now trying for a refund from them, as they're so terrible.

Worse, "abby" or "cynthia" (turns out they have several names" calls me on the phone, not understanding that I'm upset for no tracking number, no acknowledgement of sale, no acknowledgement of money received, and then she started making comments about who she *thinks* I work for because of my email address. The conversation turned ugly when her husband gets on the phone and explains that "now you're taking to a man who will kick your $#*!, and so shut the $#*! up and listen."

He couldn't provide the information I was seeking, or wouldn't. All I wanted to hear was that they have my money, and that they are shipping, or will ship my product. Their response is "you ordered on New Year's Day, did you work on New Year's Day?" (I did). Then the guy tells me that I'm such an a**hole that "even if I could prove we shipped it, you wouldn't have the balls to apologize." I would happily apologize had they provided *any* of these things in the phone call, or email. They wouldn't. They told me to shut up and wait til Tuesday, because it was shipped. I suppose I have to believe them, as there is no UPS, FedEx, or other tracking number available.

I guess that's a Florida business for you.

Without confirmation of order, tracking #, shipping information, and a plethora of missed communications, fake emails, and dozens of bad reviews, what are we/the customers supposed to think?

Date of experience: January 8, 2021