49 reviews for Thumbtack are not recommended
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2 reviews
5 helpful votes

Used to be decent
August 24, 2024

The used to be a decent company, but in the past year they had made So many ridiculous and absurd changes to their operation, including having More than one toll-free number But nobody to answer them hourly machine seems to take a voice message that will be ignored forever and nobody will return a call.
Everybody else mansions, ask contractors or small businesses, are victims of their business model which includes automatic charges for arbitrary charges for they consider quality leads. Our company we keep thinking and wondering how they determine the quality of a lead only by knowing a few details of this person, and use this information to assign a price that will be the cost of the lead that will be applied to us. Pros.
As many of us have already Said a great amount of this leads can easily be identified as fake for different reasons such as unresponsive through the Thumbtack chat platform, Or they provided a fake phone number Or they provided a number that takes you directly to an answering machine seems to take a message but him today doesn't really do anything for you and obviously you never hear back from this person either from the chat or callback.
You could request a refund to Thumbtack, but of course this will be rejected.
I in the past where I was still able to talk to a representative over the phone, because now it's impossible, I was even able to show them they were going against their terms and conditions when rejecting a refund request and the answer I was given was that I was looking outdated version of their Terms and conditions and that it was current currently being updated. (Just at the moment when we were having that Phone call, What An amazing coincidence was that)
But I must say the day were very decent and I was very happy with them at the beginning a couple years ago but now they are just unscrupulous and have no shame or any sort of moral dignity when trading customers.
I strongly advise everybody who is thinking of joining this platform to look somewhere else And avoid Thumbtack, Angie, home advisor, yelp 100%
Triy to build Your brand and reputation little mouth mouth and encourage your customers to upload their experiences using Google reviews. Do best to provide outstanding customer service and this is the only way that we can fight back and get rid of this Scammers.

Tip for consumers:

Stay away from these people!

Products used:

Lead generation

Date of experience: August 24, 2024
49 reviews for Thumbtack are not recommended