8 reviews for Ticketmaster are not recommended
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1 review
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No security no cares
December 14, 2024

We just had someone hack my husband's Ticketmaster account, so we changed the password however if the hacker selected stay signed in there is nothing that Ticketmaster can or will do to kick them off of his account.

Every other account that I own right down to Disney Plus allows you to see anywheres where your account is logged in and select log out of all devices, nope not Ticketmaster. So I called them and had his account pushed up to escalations, where they have also confirmed that there is no way that they can log out of the account on every device that it's been logged into, regardless of if I'm telling them we do not own the device.

I don't understand how it is even legally allowed to be considered a secure ticketing platform. Especially given the fact that they allow you to store your MasterCard information on your account. Absolutely God awful the, only way to completely stop other people from being on his account at this point is if we delete the account and start over from scratch, thankfully we have no tickets on there so this is an option for us. If not, from this point forward, every time we purchase a ticket using his Ticketmaster we are at risk of the tickets being transferred out of his account, and there's literally nothing Ticketmaster is going to do about it.

But what about two-factor authentication, don't even get me started on how big of a joke their two-factor authentication is. You should have to get a code every time you're signing in from a new device or before you transfer any tickets right? NOPE, that's not the case, the only time that you need to use two-factor authentication is if you try to make a change to the password or you know if you want to join a queue.

Ticketmaster needs to be investigated, this has to be illegal, they have no cybersecurity and hold personal details of thousands of people, including credit card information on file at all times.

So if any of you have your credit card information stored on Ticketmaster please be aware that you should remove it immediately, because God forbid your account get hacked there is quite literally no way truly get it back and know it is secure.

Oh and the escalations team called me later that night and yelled at me. I literally had them tell me to shut up when I was trying to explain my situation and then the little me and say it's all my fault and I must have signed in and not signed out somewheres, which has literally never happened because I've only ever been signed in on two devices one being his phone and one being my computer. He then confirmed once again that this is not something to get master does or will ever do and then continue to tell me that everything has a cyber security hack and it's not Ticketmaster's fault if the consumer gets hacked.

Date of experience: December 13, 2024
8 reviews for Ticketmaster are not recommended