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1 review
10 helpful votes

Wishing negative stars were an option!
December 5, 2017

I placed an online order with Torrid on Black Friday. I ordered two bras, a dress and a pair of shoes. I have now been waiting going on two weeks for my order and it still says processing online. I called Customer Service on Friday 12/1. I was told my order had been picked from the warehouse but had not been shipped due to shipping delays and I was assured it would be sent out within 3 days, and that if I didnt get it in a reasonable time, I could refuse delivery, um hello, why would I refuse delivery after waiting two or three weeks to get my order? I understand shipping delays near the holidays, fine, but according to many Torrid reviews, no one was ever informed of these shipping delays, myself included. Apparently, Torrids customer service would much rather deal with angry customers calling and yelling rather then just sending out a blast email explaining the issue. Or even adding it to their website at check-out, we are experiencing shipping delays, orders WILL take longer than normal to process. At least giving people the option to decide if they want to wait or not. After being told there was nothing that could be done on Friday, I called again this morning, 12/5. I spoke to a woman who again, said there was nothing that could be done, but I could wait 5 more business days and open a dispute. No thank you, I will open the dispute with my bank. How dare Torrid take money from customers and not deliver as promised. As far as Im concerned, that is theft, not delivering in the time promised. As customers, it is not our fault YOUR warehouse employees cant keep up with orders. I demanded to talk to a supervisor, she said there are none available. Which I found very hard to believe DURING NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS! I told her I would hold as long as necessary. I was then transferred to a supervisor who said there was nothing they could do but that my order SHOULD be here by 12/11. Keyword, SHOULD. Torrid could care less about their customers, and apparently they are all trained to just say we are sorry, there is nothing we can do. Even the supervisors. It is absolutely pathetic that a company thinks it is okay to treat their customers so poorly. Torrid has lost my business entirely. So now I sit and wait for an order that may or may not ever arrive. I entirely plan on opening a dispute with my bank regarding this matter. The saddest part is, my fiance were planning on eloping, the dress I ordered was to be my wedding dress. Thanks for nothing, Torrid.

Date of experience: December 5, 2017