1 review for TradingView is not recommended
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1 review
3 helpful votes

Useless trading platform, disgrace in the name of social trader's community
November 22, 2019

Useless platform. Facts: You cannot install your indicators. You can not program/code anything like EA, script or indicator. You cannot copy trades between accounts like you can do at MT4. You cannot do anything that you could do on MT4 with help of a custom windows programs. Moreover, when we (forex traders) already have MT4 on desktops, laptops, VPSes, phones and also on web; why the heck would we (forex traders) try to learn and use their stupid platform. I spent a night learning it but the whole night proved to be a waste of time. A guy (recruit/new member at FPA) messaged me about TradingView and suggested me to post/share my analysis there. I tried but Tradingview doesn't let no one post any analysis/snaphot done/taken on MT4, thus they force people to use their stupid platform. If people cannot share their MT4 analysis, how the heck is TradingView considering itself as a social trader's community! How the F will people share the analysis done with their customer indicators! Its charts doesn't show H1 & H4 time-frames, how the hell will intra-day traders analyse & trade! I mostly analyze on H1, H4 & D1; how the F will I do it on their platform! I take screenshot from MT4, then I draw lines and write text on it using MS-paint; then I share my analysis in my thread by posting the screenshot. How the F can I share the same on TradingView if they don't allow me to insert external screenshots! This platform might be looking good to those oldtimers who traded stocks on paper hahaha. My view on TradingView: they show fake no. Of views & likes on posted ideas to lure forex businesses. If you look at no. Of views and likes on posted ideas/articles/analysis, you (forex business) may mistakenly think that they have a large user base and many businesses are benefitting from it; but don't get fooled. If you will look at quality of analysis, you will understand that most of them are just garbage which can never get attention of genuine fx traders. This whole thing is just a setup to lure more and more forex companies/business to sign up their paid membership. If they were real social platform with huge user base, they could generate millions just from ads and would never require paid members. But hey, they are not real social platform, they don't have anything good for forex, they are just great internet marketers.

Date of experience: November 22, 2019
1 review for TradingView is not recommended