4 reviews for Transglobal Express are not recommended
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1 review
1 helpful vote

Unethical Company
June 5, 2023

WARNING: A Very Unethical Company

I've been using Transglobal Express for over a decade, I have never needed to make a claim, but I thought that I would be in good hands if I ever needed to. This assumption was VERY wrong, and Transglobal Express have caused me to be thousands out of pocket. Let me explain.

I sent a package with five items valued at over £6500 with Transglobal Express. They did not offer insurance to this value, only to £2500, which I took out and paid handsomely for. The parcel arrived with a huge hole in the side taped up with 'Repackaged by DHL' tape, unfortunately two of the smaller boxes inside the main box were missing, a retail value of £4100.

At this stage I felt it would be a fairly easy process considering the box was photographed by the driver with the hole and tape covering it and photographs were taken on collection showing the box was in perfect condition and I was insured to £2500 so it covers a large portion of loss.

Transglobal initiated their 'investigation' process, and around three weeks later they declared that DHL won't 'accept liability' and therefore this makes them 'not liable' either. The first instance of Transglobal not understanding consumer law and how the concept liability works. They offered a 'goodwill gesture' of a 'proportional compensation', declaring that because only 2 of the 5 items were missing, they would only offer a percentage of the total insurance value – basically what they unethically do is split your items into percentages, and therefore this allows them to reduce the compensatory amounts to suit them.

Here is a hypothetical example that was put to them to form an analogy

A person wants to send a £2000 Gold Watch and a packet of pencils (£10).

The watch for his dad, his birthday and the pencils for his mum, a budding artist.

The value comes to £2010.

So he insures the parcel to £2010.

Sadly, during transit, the box is broken and the watch is lost. The pencils arrive fine.

The claim will be fit the missing item, which is valued at £2000.

Their response was, and I quote,

"it is 38% of the total. In this case they would have been offered £769 as £2,000 is 99.5% of the full insured amount of £2,010 and they would be offered the same 99.5% of the insured amount of £773."

This is the unethical bit. They are dismissing the value of the missing item, £2000 watch, by stating that because the £10 pencils arrived they are going to reduce the value of the missing item to £773, less than 50%, because 1 out of 2 of the items arrived!

So, tread carefully when you choose to use this company.

The claims manager has a very egotistical, argumentative and robotic tone and shows little compassion and empathy. I am not sure if it is the company that demands this of her, or it his own persona. She has very little understanding of Consumer Law, yet quotes her ideology like fact - it would be comical if it wasn't so frustrating. Just wait till you enter into dialogue with her, and watch her squirm into defensive mode when you highlight elements of her statements being completely untrue. You will inevitably come up against her and her militant rhetoric if you need to claim – essentially it's a punitive abuse of power as if you do not agree with her and take the lesser offer, Transglobal will give you nothing and I quote another of her lines ' we will fully defend the case'

Probably the most unethical company I have come across in this particular industry. Their business practices are questionable in legal terms, and they will try to whitewash you by referring to their terms and conditions like it is law – it isn't. They fail to understand Consumer Law, therefore it's one of those 'you can't argue with...' moments.

Other real classic moments in this debacle include

1. Yes you paid insurance to £2500 but even though we aren't going to compensate you to the amount of insurance you paid for, we arent going to give you a refund of your insurance payment either. (I purchased something they did not provide in full - consumer law 101).

2. You can complain but I have already spoke to who you will be complaining to and we are in agreement. (no impartial complaints procedure, and told like a threat to ensure that I would be 'wasting my time' complaining

3. Refusal to offer the general managers/owners/directors email address - (fyi the Directors home address is listed on Companies House, just pop him a letter in the post)

Be warned! Transglobal are all fine and dandy when they take your money, but when they fail to provide the service you pay them for and they lose your insured property, they will ensure you are left out of pocket because of their failure.

Unethical is a polite term for this company.

Date of experience: June 5, 2023
2 reviews
5 helpful votes

Incompetent and poor service
August 29, 2017


I would like to bring to the attention the terrible service of Transglobal Express.

This is a truly terrible company who rips off their customers and has rude staff. I am in process of riding for charity. I paid £116.20 for a bike bag to be delivered to switzerland. It was to be collected on Tuesday 22nd Aug on a 1+ day service. We printed of all the documents they requested. Their driver appeared, named Dean, he was on the phone in an argument with a friend / associate when he rang the doorbell. He then refused to take the bike bag as he did not recognise the paperwork that we had produced for him as required by Transglobal themselves. He said he was in a hurry and dashed of without as much as a by your leave. Problem 1. Like all these things, there is a ripple effect.

In order to get the bike bag to switzerland, (it was needed there as I was riding to Switzerland to take part in the AlpenBrevet) It was required to get the bike back on the train, the TGV and the SNCF and finally the Eurostar, without it, the bike would not be allowed on the train. Finding a bike bag in a remote part of Switzerland was not feasible.

So, my partner and myself, who both work, were lucky that we had someone, my partners 76 year old father, who, at great inconvenience to themselves, took the big bag too their depot in London City Airport. I requested that he did not deposit the bike bag with the courier unless they could assure / guarantee that the bag would be delivered to me by Sat 26th August. This assurance was given and no further thought was given too it. We had a solution which at great cost to ourselves, we had found, without the help of Transglobal Express.

Problem 2. The member of staff, who accepted the bike bag at the London City Depot, firstly, did not know what days the depot in Switzerland would be open and secondly, when they could deliver the item. This was found out in hindsight, had we known their was a doubt, we could have at that stage still changed the tickets to include bike storage as a whole on the trains returning from switzerland.

The bike bag was not delivered, they then initially stressed that we would have to pay for its return, a further £120.

Problem 3. As a result of the incompetence of the driver, the company making the initial problem and failing to provide a solution, they further expected us to fund their mistake by paying for the return of the parcel they had expressly stated they would deliver and we had already paid for.

Please bear in mind, I am riding to raise money for charity. The company at this time was made aware of this.

On the return journey, as we had acted on advice and the assurance of representative of the company Transglobal Express, I was in the situation on Monday of being stuck in Switzerland with a bike, no clean clothes and a quandary as to how to get the bike bag. Bear in mind I have ridden 1170 km in the last week for charity. Somehow I managed to get parceling and padding enough, to manage to get the bike back on the trains in a dismantled state. This was not ideal, and parts of the bike were damaged as a result of the transit.

Problem 4. The ripple effect of the initial goods drivers failure to follow Transglobal procedures for customers which we had followed to the letter. His failure meant that
- we were £116.20 out of pocket as a result of the being conned fraudulently and negligently by Transglobal Express
- we were requested to pay a further £116.20 to have the bike bag and clothes returned.
- I would be required to pay for damages incurred on my bike during transit as a result of the failure of Transglobal Express
- my partner, her father and myself have lost many hours trying to resolve this issue, without, it would appear, any pro-active or customer focused motivation from this company.

I finally managed to speak to a lady called Anna, who was a supervisor, she has apparently offered for the company to pay for the return of the bike bag but not to include the initial payment for the service we paid for and which the company says it delivers.

This is a very poor service from a company that does not do what it says it does. The company even had the mendacity to blame UPS, the company who they say they were acting as an agent for. Clearly this company does not know its own processes and relies on the very ambiguity of the responsibility to the customer from the principal and agents.

This company, Transglobal Express does not behave in a manner conducive to ensuring its customers are looked after and get what they paid for. I have wasted £116.20 and incurred further significant costs and all the company can do is offer to return the bike bag. This is a poor excuse of a company that is lacking in ethics and moral fortitude. They do not do what they say they will, they do not deliver on time, they do not try to help customers find solutions.

This is the worst company I can possibly imagine. I have all the facts here, nothing is omitted which is not true. I can only suggest that if you are reading this article about this company, that you do not in anyway think of further use of them. They are useless and I would say fraudulent in how they go about getting people to pay money for a service which they clearly are unable to provide. It is disgraceful that they are allowed to get away with this. Especially so as they are taking advantage of people like myself, who are raising money for charity.

Date of experience: August 29, 2017
1 review
2 helpful votes

Total liars
June 20, 2017

I booked for a parcel to be sent to nigeria with transglobal express via ups. The parcel was picked up the following day with no problems except the driver left the commercial invoice in his van and ups phoned and said could they sign another one my behalf. I said well if parcel gets damaged it's on your head. I got given a delivery date of the 13th June and on the 13th June it was still at Stansted in the warehouse on hold. I phoned transglobal and requested my money and parcel back so I could send it dhl. The parcel got sent to nigeria after they refused to give money back. The parcel arrived in nigeria on the 17th June and went through the normal scans like import scan destination scan and warehouse scan. On the 19th June a scan was done on the parcel and it said damage investigation has been changed and when I phoned transglobal they said ups and themselves had never seen that before. On the evening of the 19th another scan appeared dated the 17th June saying import tax and duty was needed to be paid. If u have an import scan and destination scan then it has cleared customs. I phoned transglobal again like I have every day and I said the delivery date was rescheduled to the 20th June. It is still being held and all that transglobal do is lie to u and make excuses. I said to the girl today at transglobal that I think ups or transglobal should cover the cost of any import tax as they cannot stick to delivery deadlines and said it had cleared customs then they said something totally different. They said it is not down to them to pay this. I said if they don't sort it today I will go to the national papers and trading standards as they are false advertising and constantly lie to people. I have never dealt with such an incompetent bunch of people in my life STYLE CLEAR OF TRANSGLOBAL EXPRESS AS THEY ARE TRAINED TO LIE AND DECEIVE YOU

Date of experience: June 20, 2017
New York
1 review
3 helpful votes

I have had the worse experience of my life with TNT...
March 15, 2013

I have had the worse experience of my life with TNT ( consignment 296 469 535). I sadly decided you to use their services via Transglobal London to send two boxes of all my personal items (all of things very close to my heart) to India on 5th February 2013. There was a typo on my Invoice (it should have been £90 instead of £900) and I had requested them to reassess my invoice and try to get them to accept the new Invoices for my things. I was informed that they had already paid the customs at India for Rs***** on my goods and given that I am unemployed at the moment I had been requesting them to try to be a little flexible and try to show that they really care. For them it was just another consignment but they did not realise the emotional importance of the things for me. I literally was on the phone with them for three weeks and pleaded them to help me out and later my retired father also got involved. I was transferred from one person to another from UK, US and INDIA. The entire process was emotionally taxing for me and physically for my father who is retired.

I am unemployed and never disagreed to pay the hefty charges. All I was asking them to be a LITTLE HUMAN. We spoke with the TNT UK office on 8th March again if they could help us out a little and try to adjust some of the charges against the freight charges of £192 I already paid for these boxes.

Today morning I called them again to receive heart breaking news. I called them to ask if they could really reconsider and to follow up with the UK TNT office - I have been informed that they have DISCARDED MY BOXES WITHOUT INFORMING ME. I received NO mail from their team at TNT and Transglobal giving me a deadline. From the very start, I spoke with TNT UK and India office and at every point I heard a different story. At all times TNT and Transglobal only cared about the money and more money. They do not care about their customer. How could they discard the things which hold close to me? I want them back and now they are not even willing to help me. THEY NEED TO GIVE MY THINGS BACK TO ME. How could they discard and distribute my things without my consent. I will definitely take this further and get to the bottom of this issue.

Date of experience: March 15, 2013
4 reviews for Transglobal Express are not recommended