Fake reivew. Just to sell subscriptions, and make money. Competitor negative reviews are not removed so that they can force you to send subscriptionCompetitor negative reviews are not removed so that they can force you to send subscription.
I wrote a review about indeed, on trustpilot. Next minute your review has been taken off. I had received from a company wanted details etc. None of which I would give out. I checked out indeed guidelines not to do this. Very conflicting in many ways. Will not use indeed again. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
Hi i left a review about a online scammer store, and my review was deleted like always for no reson at all on trustpilot. Here is what i wrote and trustpilot. Hi Beware scammer online store.
Hi. Please do not buy anything from trhat fake online store, scammer, i purchase a doll for my child, so when you are on this online store, and check out, the buyer will get only one option to pay with PayPal which is great, but ons you check out, and make the payment with PayPal, then you will see a paypal scammer email Address, Unfortunately i cannot make the email address public here, because it's not allowed Write down here.
And not a paypal invoice, you will have to send the payment, like i would send to a friend, who has a paypal account, so ons you click on it, you will see there is no invoice afterwards, meaning no way to ask paypal to refund me. Even i explain myself very clear what happened, and how it happened, and also ask paypal to block that paypal email account from that scammer, In order to get my refund and to make sure that all other paypal members who have been scammed by that store, Getting there refund back, but the Incompetent paypal fraud department, answer me, that they didn't care, and won't do anything against that PayPal member account, i mean come on now, a real scam from paypal too, scammer online store link. Freeucsm.xyz, and on top, trustpilot hat the nerves to deleted for reason again my review, so i sent a message to trustpilot support, here is the incompetent answer from trustpilot.
Mihael E (Trustpilot Content Integrity)
8 Oct 2023, 14:48 CEST
Hi Marc,
Thanks for reaching out. We understand you'd like to know why your review for freeucsm.xyz has been removed from Trustpilot.
To protect the integrity of our platform, unfortunately, we cannot give you specific details about why your review has been removed. Please rest assured that we would only take this action when multiple parameters show that a review is fake.
If you'd like to learn more about our fraud detection software, please take a look at our Help Center article "Trustpilot's fraud detection software".
We understand this might not have been the outcome you were hoping for, but we appreciate your cooperation. Let us know if you have any questions by replying to this email.
Kind regards,
There didn't even bother to check that scammer online store link, i mean come on now, Guys please do not write any message on trustpilot, It's a waste of time, trustpilot is helping scammer to get away. Trustpilot is not trusty at all, a real Nightmare.
Trustpilot cannot be trusted. They allow businesses to flag and remove legitimate reviews under the guise of it not fitting into their little box but, THEY DO NOT NOTIFY THE CUSTOMER WHO POSTED THE REVIEW so that they can fix it. Instead, Trustpilot will just remove the review, robbing other customers of the information that was posted to help other consumers. Trustpilot is not trustworthy and you cannot depend on consumer reviews from Trustpilot. They removed a review for a mental health company that handled multiple situations badly, multiple times. That is information consumers should have. The company should not be allowed to just flag reviews because they don't like them and get them removed. They are censoring consumers and since this company is in the state of California, I had the right to free speech. Nothing in the review was slander. IT was facts and those facts resulted in those feelings. #trustpilotcannotbetrusted
Trustpilot cannot be trusted. IT is more business friendly than consumer friendly. They are not interested in the truth.
I wrote a review for a company I have had many experiences with.
Below is my feedback with absolute lofts and this company trust pilot refused to put it live because they claim that next door who attempted to steal my property to create a new boundary through joint surveyor was not real. Who is trust pilot to make such claims. Don't bother with trust pilot they even verified my id they thought I was fake and now they are been awful. If giving you evidence of theft then you need to accept it
07/08 workers used my roof after asking them not to. Scaffold removed. Terrible.
05/08 please avoid AL who felt entitled to my property, ND will be liable. This company is unprofessional.
29/07 -04/08 scaffold still not reduced and remains without consent.
27/07 3rd surveyor advised not complying and adhering with the PW. Formal request to remove scaffolding for 27th else injunction. Stop scapegoating me and attacking my good character immediately. Gave you 3 weeks to address trespass more than reasonable time. Thanks
26/07 Al & next door (ND) has no permission to over-sail scaffolding over 500mm. No section to erect scaffold in approved PW award. Never agreed even if it's on MS. Carpenters informed work is done without agreeing line of junction. Reported ND to Police who logged it as ASB.
11-25/07 AL has breached PW award, evidence supplied to AL is over 500mm about 1 meter, nothing done to reduce it. ND doing works without agreeing the line of junction is which is illegal. Next door faked dispute, took a back seat and carried out works and blocked ours but will be dealt through courts. I will report on further nuisance. Evidence on my profile pic. Section 4 (B) and (H) breached too and Next door will be liable.
18/07 legal advice is scaffolders should stop & building owner intervened as for various reason. They have gone beyond 500mm and without my consent left the scaffold. Am in a situation where it is one rule for them another for us. Next door obstructed and breached my approved PW award 3x we had papers too. Next door should have informed you of the malicious dispute they created and how they are currently obstructing my work and there are unresolved issues impacting my property. This is all down to ND who received 2 ASB warnings and asked by police not to approach them. My experience with ND is dangerous and lied through their teeth.
18/07 - Everything in this review is correct, it is my experience in my property, the work the being carried out is impacting my property and expect due care inline with PW Act. I requested repeatedly not to over-sail but the workers ignored me. Please remove trespass and stop refusing, it's very unprofessional. I expect you stop work even if you have the paper work and sort out disagreement with surveyors and not continue. It is a threat to legal owner to even suggest you will continue when you have no permission. Next door obstructed my work 3 times when i had the approved award, my builder stopped and on the 4th time we had 3 police officer assist us.
My builder stated the sequence of events are very unusual and def influenced by next door.
12/07/2023 - myself and mother aged 76 under distress as an adjoining owner. I have pictures and footage as evidence. They weren't return my calls or respond to my emails. Scaffold was supposed to be removed/reduced since midday yesterday as per my request.
A photo of the trespass was emailed to Tony, have email evidence, but did nothing stated they had the paper works. Unbelievable. I stated to Tony they have no permission and they should remove it and he said he wont be. I was left alarmed that I was spoken to in that manner and am the legal owner stating remove it they have no permission. ND have no permission as they were written to in 2016 to confirm they have no rights to my property. They are currently purposefully not removing trespass back of property and obstructing my work.
I am an adjoining owner to next doors, loft conversion.
Shelley was informed no structures beyond NDs property. The scaffolders, Shelley & ND ignored our request and erected/over-sailed scaffold inside my property. It was unbelievable. I asked politely to remove trespass between 9am and roughly 2pm without any success. Whilst been frustrated and distressed was told I was aggressive completely ignoring what they are doing is unprofessional. Whilst on the call to the police one of the worker started filming me inside my garden very unpleasant. Police can hear me asking him to stop filming me.
Legal advice was deliberately causing nuisance and trespass. The workmen should have stopped after repeatedly been told not to carry works on my property. I asked repeatedly but carried on laughing. I complaint to senior manager but he did nothing, it was shocking.
I have a picture showing theft of my property to create a new boundary, a foot in my property). ND did everything to coverup trespass, alter my title plan and obstructing work to line of junction did not intervene to carry works within its property.
Checked with loft companies and they advised the workers must seek consent before. ND misled, stated we knew when on legal notice not to do further works after creating malicious boundary dispute after works without surveyors in 2017, illegal work. Not resolved yet
This company is terrible. Loft conversion next door. Company is giving its rights to my property and doing its wishes through its contractors
I wrote a negative review about Trustpilot, about how it was a very disappointing experience for what suppose to be a company that professionally operates a review platform. This is what happen, I wrote a genuine review about a NZ DVD Shop for refusing to refund a defective DVD box set. This was posted on their website. After a few days, I got an email from Trustpilot that they had removed it because they couldn't verify its authenticity. I sent all the email correspondence between the business and myself, plus the invoice for the DVD box set to TP. A day later, they sent a template email requesting me to send them my order confirmation, invoice, delivery report or proof of service. So I resent Trustpilot the same documents I sent the day before. I have never heard back from Trustpilot, and my review has not been restored after two weeks.
I deleted my TP account after the initial discouraging experience, but Trustpilot invited me back. Hence my above negative review on Trustpilot is based on my experience.
This review went live on 04 July, and they replied to my above review on 10 July, acknowledging that someone should have been in touch with me after I emailed them the supporting documents.
Then all of a sudden TP removed my review on 23 July the reason that they couldn't verify its authenticity after I responded to their reply with the following:
"As for the Trustpilot's reason for that "reviews are removed for several reasons, one of them being multiple reviewer accounts logged to the same IP address" What proof do you have that this had occurred?
More importantly, in their email, they specifically stated that the reason for removing my review about the NZ DVD shop was you couldn't verify its authenticity, and they had removed my review from their platform on that basis. As I have mentioned above, I sent you the evidence of my negative experience with the business twice, and you have done nothing about it."
I emailed TP to please point out which part of my response to their reply needs to verify authenticity.
Predictably, I received another email template requesting me to provide proof so they can verify my experience, rather than someone from the Content Integrity team providing me with an answer.
I replied to the request for proof of authenticity email template with the following:
"I deleted my TP account after the initial discouraging experience about TP's inaction after receiving supporting evidence of my negative experience with a business. However, Trustpilot invited me back. Hence my above review on Trustpilot is based on my experience.
I wrote a review on TP, it was approved and posted online. You replied to my review, acknowledging that someone should have been in touch with me after I emailed you the supporting documents.
It is when I responded to your reply, you removed the review. So whatever documents you need to verify the authenticity, will be in the Trustpilot system, as you were the one who decided to remove my review 19 days later when my response to your reply." I have not heard back from them so I went through their Decision Dispute Process. Surprise surprise, nothing has been done and no reply.
I suspect Trustpilot's Content integrity team is just an automated emailing system. It sends out the email template to notify customers their review has been removed. If they reply, send an email requesting documents to authenticate their experience. They make you go through the motion with no intention of doing anything. That is why there was no action from Trustpilot to restore the review after I sent them proof of my negative experience with NZ DVD Shop.
I doubt that they will restore my negative review about Trustpilot.
Trustpilot will keep the number of negative reviews about themselves down to boost their own rating by removing genuine negative reviews about their biased behaviour and incompetence. They are self-promoting their own credibility. The high rating of themselves on their own website is laughable and shameless.
Once a company pays them. TP monitors the page and literally pulls honest and verifiable reviews. It's amazing they have not been named in a class action lawsuit. I interacted with a known website building company that has used 3 names. The 2 previous names are trashed at BBB etc due their thievery. The company is in Pakistan and claims to be in the US. Their addresses are fake, they changed their webpage and their phone number when I pointed out to them they are the same company. TP saw all the data and then harassed me continuously until they just decided to pull it. There isn't an ounce and I mean an ounce of integrity at TP. They are no worse than a scammer because they facilitate scammers and protect them.
Here my interaction with TP.
Abdelrahman I (Trustpilot Content Integrity)
Jul 23,2023, 15:55 GMT+1
Hi Joey,
Thanks for getting back to us, we really appreciate it.
Unfortunately your documentation isn't enough to verify your review at this stage, because it doesn't show the company's full name or domain. We understand that you might not have any of the standard types of documentation because of the nature of your interaction with the company, but we're still determined to verify your experience and keep your review online. Could you please send us anything you have that shows an interaction with the company — for example, if you used the company's website, you could send a screenshot of your browser history that shows when you visited it.
For more info on what we're looking for, and how to take a screenshot, please see our helpful article "Which documents help us verify your review".
We hope you can send further documentation within 3 days so that we can keep your review online. Once again, thanks for working with us on this.
Kind regards,
Joey La Russo
Jul 19,2023, 00:01 GMT+1
It is incomprehensible to me as to why you keep harassing me about this review. I left because it did research on this company after interacting with them. WIll you quit helping them and take 5 minutes to look at what I said and verify it for yourself and be an honest steward of your page and let it stand?
I have never been asked multiple times by any company to keep answering questions about a review. I'm shocked, especially after doing the research.
Are you helping them? Do they pay you? What's the deal?
They are genuine crooks.
********** is the phone number they have been using, absolute fact. Look at the attachments. They just changed their phone number to a 352 number and their webpage because people caught on to them. Both webdistricts and creativewebmith had the very very same reviews, on their site, same number, same contact.
Google still has the *******196 phone number because thats who they are and they havent changed it. Creative websmith, seo hub and webdistricts is the same company and is the same group of thieves.
I attached what you should have seen and got for yourself. Quit helping them steal from people.
They are the very same people trying in the last week to disguise themselves.
The review is legitimate. Do research before you do this to a reviewer.
None. I was able to research them BEFORE they took my money
As an avid online shopper and reviewer, I've come across a multitude of platforms for gathering customer insights, but Trustpilot.com truly stands out as a trustworthy and credible website in the realm of reviews. My experience with Trustpilot has been long-standing and rewarding, consistently proving to be an invaluable resource for making savvy choices and sharing my personal encounters with others.
First and foremost, Trustpilot.com boasts a user-friendly interface that effortlessly guides users through the website. Navigating the platform is a breeze, and discovering reviews for specific products, services, or companies is a cinch, thanks to its smooth and efficient design. The search function is a nifty tool, granting swift access to a vast treasure trove of information on countless brands and businesses.
One of the defining characteristics that sets Trustpilot apart is its unwavering commitment to transparency. The platform fosters an open environment for genuine customer feedback, where both positive and negative reviews are given equal visibility. Moreover, the "Verified Reviewer" label adds an extra layer of credibility, assuring that the feedback stems from verified customers.
Trustpilot.com's interactive community is also commendable. The ability to interact with fellow reviewers, exchange ideas, and provide valuable input creates a strong sense of camaraderie among users. This collaborative spirit not only enhances the review process but also cultivates a greater sense of trust among consumers.
Another striking feature of Trustpilot.com is its extensive array of covered categories. From e-commerce and travel to health and technology, the platform spans an impressive range of industries, making it a comprehensive repository for diverse reviews. This vast scope empowers me to gain insights into various products and services before making well-informed decisions.
Furthermore, Trustpilot's star rating system offers a quick visual snapshot of a brand's overall performance, based on customer feedback. This intuitive feature proves to be immensely valuable in assessing a company's reputation at a glance, effectively saving precious time and effort during decision-making.
Lastly, Trustpilot.com holds businesses accountable for their customer service and product quality. The platform encourages proactive engagement from companies, with many actively responding to customer feedback and addressing concerns in a prompt and professional manner. Such responsiveness fosters an atmosphere of excellence and customer satisfaction.
In conclusion, Trustpilot.com is undoubtedly a reliable haven for customer reviews, serving as a trusted hub for gathering online insights. Its user-friendly interface, unwavering commitment to transparency, vibrant community, extensive industry coverage, and focus on accountability make it an indispensable tool for both discerning consumers and businesses alike. I wholeheartedly recommend Trustpilot.com to anyone seeking authentic and comprehensive customer feedback for making well-informed decisions.
I am using almost all products on the basis of my use
EDIT/UPDATE: Trustpilot has once again removed another review and this time, it's for a sketchy NFT platform that I "invested" in years ago. I attached the screenshot here. I challenged this decision as their email states you can respond but they didn't respond.
There is ZERO integrity on Trustpilot's part. I suspect that they're purposely trying to collect personal information for absolutely no reason (it's a review website, get over yourselves).
I had a Trustpilot account for 10+ years and over 130 reviews. As of lately, most of my reviews have been sadly, negative but the truth is the truth and I'm sure many people here reading this will agree that many businesses are self-sabotaging themselves with poor customer service and products OR many scam websites such as oversea sellers, drop shippers, etc. It's sad the digital shopping world we live in now, but I relied on Trustpilot to give me the mixed bag of good and bad experiences from other people. The truth is, even with a low Trustpilot review, I sometimes still take risks and order off some websites and most of the times, it turned out ok. What's NOT ok is how Trustpilot is lying about their integrity and constantly deleting bad reviews and only keeping the positive ones up even if the positive ones are OBVIOUS spam.
In my opinion, NO ONE should have to verify their identity to write a review online but if you want to, then you should be free to. If not, then you shouldn't be forced to. How is Trustpilot knowing my legal full name, birthday, address, and all that other stuff even related to a bad experience shopping online? Order number, order confirmation, your name or screenshots should be fine but asking someone to upload their ID with their personal information just to write a review is ridiculous. I suspect it's more of a scheme for them to collect personal data to sell (based on your reviews on Trustpilot, shopping habits, etc) as opposed to "verifying".
This platform is so concerned about people putting fake reviews meanwhile there's plenty of scamming websites out there with 100s of fake positive reviews that Trustpilot never removes despite the fact I've flagged them multiple times. However, once the company/scammer flags YOUR honest review, Trustpilot suddenly asks for a boatload of info to "confirm" your experience. You could write a bad review from 3 years ago then suddenly, the company or Trustpilot flags it for being unverified then suddenly asking you for proof of purchase, documentation, receipts, etc. Are you kidding me? Of course no one is going to keep the receipt for that $80 dress from 3 years ago. Of course, no one is going to keep a whole detailed email thread with a company's customer service from 2 years ago; most customers never want to deal with these companies ever again therefore deleting the emails.
Just because I didn't order from a particular business, doesn't mean I didn't have an experience with them. E.g., if you use software or a tool at work but you're not the one paying for the subscription, are you not allowed to share your negative experience on Trustpilot? Or say if the company goes by 2 different LLC names and the one on your receipt doesn't match the company name on Trustpilot; they assume I'm lying? What about websites that provide only a service and no tangible product? Because a customer didn't "buy" something, they're not entitled to share a bad experience?
I report reviews that are intentionally obvious spam or ones with racial slur/hate speech or non-related gibberish. Yet those reviews aren't removed! But a detailed 2+ paragraph review detailing every aspect of an experience is deemed untrustworthy to Trustpilot! I've been a contributor for years!
In my case, a fake guru who advertised some shady Amazon business has 1000s of positive reviews on Trustpilot, many of them obvious spam, but I've flagged these reviews many times. Trustpilot turned their heads yet the company flagged my review because it was negative and now they want all this documentation over a negative review. I've provided documentation multiple times to keep my bad review up over the last 11 months but my review keeps getting flagged over and over again no matter how many times I "proved" my experience. FYI, this fake guru was exposed by the FTC months back for stealing their customer's money. Trustpilot didn't bother taking into account that the scammer stole $50mil+ of customer money; they further defend this scammer.
I warn everyone: despite Trustpilot being a visually simple, minimalistic website that seems like it's a great outlet for reading experiences, it's not about integrity, it's about money to them. Amazon has been caught with fake reviews, it's time Trustpilot gets their turn.
I recently wrote a negative review about the business New Zealand DVD shop. TP later sent an email stating that they removed my review because it was flagged because they couldn't verify its authenticity, and on that basis they removed it from their platform. I replied I had written it off as bad debt when the business ignored my emails for three weeks requesting a refund as the blu ray boxset I bought was defective, so I deleted all the emails. Then to my surprise, they send me an email asking me to provide them with documents such as emails to verify my negative experience. They sent me an email template without reading my email. It is laughable their title is the integrity team.
More alarmingly, they got the name of the business and the email address they are using to notify the company about the reviews wrong. The only reason I recognise the company is the link to their website.
The business is called NEW ZEALAND DVD SHOP, not buydvd.co.nz (which is their website). Trustpoilt asked if you want to send an notification to the business about your review, but the email address is also incorrect. It is apparent that if TP had looked at the website and gotten all the facts before putting it on their website for consumers to review, they would not have made these ridiculous mistakes. The audacity of TP is to remove genuine reviews unless they can verify the negative experience, but all the positive reviews go unchecked since there is no need for consumers to verify their positive experience. It is a huge loophole since all businesses can write positive reviews to boost their ratings. All they have to do is to sign up to new email addresses to leave positive reviews about their company.
Based on the unprofessional method the company operate their website and the appalling methodology they use to monitor the reviews, I have doubts about its competency. They talk a good game about millions of reviews and how they are committed to being the most trusted review platform. Yet, they failed to get the facts right about a company they want people to review, and their loophole in the legitimacy of the positive reviews is so biased. There is no way to tell how many genuine negative reviews they removed because the consumers can't be bothered defending their reviews as they felt insulted by the insinuation of the authenticity of their experience. After I have identified these points to TP, they have yet to respond and they have not restore my review. I won't be holding my breath, they are too arrogant to admit their mistakes and correct them.