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4 reviews
10 helpful votes

Unity is fine, but the Forum's Community is BAD
June 24, 2022

So about Unity. Well, Unity was easy. You can master it easily without many tools. Just 3 things: The VS or VSCode Editor, the Unity Hub, and a version of Unity. The version of Unity will automatically install a Unity Editor for you.

About the BAD community. So I joined the Unity Forums for a year. I made a post. At that time, I came from another Forum website and those posts are just simple "I need help" type of help posts and then the community will take care of the rest by asking questions amongst each other. For the Unity Forums, those types of posts are "low effort" or something. You could get banned for posting that, which is UTTERLY RIDICULOUS considering the fact that most low-effort posts aren't spam or joke posts or anything! They are ACTUALLY USEFUL! They are just vague.

Basically, that post from September 2020 was a low-effort post and I stirred up a whole Internet WAR, only because I didn't read the Terms of Service and rules! It was so bad, I quit the Unity Forums until last year in December.

In December, I needed help making a game. However, I was still unaware of the "low effort rule" type of thing, and I made a low-effort post. Surprise, surprise. The same thing happened again. Only because I didn't read the rules for the SECOND time. BUT I AM FORGETFUL AND IT HAS BEEN A FREAKING YEAR!

Not only the same thing happened again, but the same person stirred another Internet war! However, something in their comment made my anger meter go from 10 to 100.

They said "Wow, you haven't really changed at all in one year." This made me VERY mad, because they should have at least embraced the fact that my last post was over one year ago, and I never made any more posts like that.

But then, one moderator chewed me out, saying the same things THE PREVIOUS GUY said! Look, if you are not at all busy, and you have nothing to say, at least say something original! Like, geez, why is the Unity Forums so strict and awful?

So I would give Unity 5 stars or 4 stars if THE COMMUNITY WASN'T SO BAD. But now I just want to piss my pants and kill myself via nuke due to how idiotic this community is!

So yeah, the community is very strict, dumb, and the moderation team should change due to how God-awful the mods are!

Tip for consumers:

Service may be good, but only because the Unity Bug Reports system doesn't only take in bugs, but also can help you with code. I liked that moderation team.

God, if only the Bug Reports technicians could be the new mods for the Unity Forums.


Date of experience: June 24, 2022