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1 review
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Worst travel agency experience ever.
January 26, 2024

I called late, almost at the end of the business hours on Friday Jan 19 to get a final price on a 16 d cruise w Norwegian company. The agent Cesalie Watler said it was $950 + tax.
The advertised price I had was $599 + tax & I told her I can email her the price I had on an email from them. After being placed on hold she said,,oh, I found it, it is $599 ". I asked to get an email w the total price which I did. Saturday I emailed her asking to book it. She emailed me right away and asked me to provide our names & DOB & she would place the cabin on hold & call me next day to finalize the booking.
On her Saturday email to me she had her phone number and office hours for Saturday listed 11AM TO 8 PM.
I did not hear from her next day so I left a voice message & sent an Email. Still nothing.
Monday I left another voicemail without any response.
I spoke w supervisor Abby who said would investigate and her attitude was like,, things happen! Also informed me that the cruise was sold out!
I was promised that Cesalie will call me w an explanation to what happened. Never called me!
I emailed my complaint to Cesalie's manager Beltran Abordo who sent me an email claiming he tried to call me & leave a voice mail twice but was not able to go thru.
I had absolutely no missed calls or messages and my phone worked just fine.
He tried to convince me that Cesalie did not book the cruise or contact me because she was not in the office Saturday. He forgot she emailed me Saturday & did not think I noticed her office ours listed.
Had no explanation why she did not call Monday either! Did not take any responsibility for mishandling this situation. Tried to imply that was my fault.
Ang guess what? He said now they have the cruise available at $950! How convenient!
I think that Cesalie was told not to book this cruise at the lower price & just not call me back. They hoped I would take the cruise with the increased rate.
Dishonest, deceiving, unethical and lying.
I am convinced that they will respond to my complaint with a fabricated explanation and a lie.
This behavior is unacceptable and I wonder if the higher management of this company knows what is going on.

Date of experience: January 26, 2024