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8 reviews
41 helpful votes

I have been shopping at VS for years, they have beautiful...
October 8, 2011

I have been shopping at VS for years, they have beautiful beautiful lingerie and selections, but starting from the a few years ago, I noticed their quality going down, whether it is the lingerie or the clothes. The bras got more expensive, but yet the fit is getting worse, in the sense that the wires are starting to 'dig in' on the sides because they are usually shorter than the entire cup length... feels like they are skimping on wire lengths etc to save on material costs. Same thing with their Angel's underwear, I used to love love love their supersoft Angel panties, but recently, the new ones coming out have skinnier and skinner crotch panels, giving one a 'camel-toe' constantly! I have now switched to Kohl's to get my bras after I found their generous, stackable discounts and good quality selection. You can get pretty and comfortable bras like Vera Wang from them for just $15 when there is a sales going on!

Their pants too have very inconsistent fit. I am size 4 in their Christie fit, but yet size 0 in the Marisa fit and size 2 in the Bridget fit. It gets very confusing. And even when it is the same style or fit like Christie fit, it depends on what materials they are made of, different materials have different sizing. I once bought a Christie fit in Pointe Knit, and it ended up looking like falling baggy pants on me eventhough I got my usual size! In cases like that it really sucks because to return it, you will need to pay return shipping, they do not have store you can return it to. Plus many times, if you are at the borderline of a certain coupon 'amount', you could end up losing your coupon value when you return it.

Their clothes have been really poor quality for the last 5-6 years, we are talking clothes looking old and faded after one wash. Or severe piling on the cotton dresses after a couple washes etc. Once in a while though, if you are lucky, you get one which is beautiful and great quality, but it is like a potshot... you never know when.

One thing I have no complaints about are their coats and shoes. So far they have been great and they have the cutest coat designs around with reasonable prices.

I may still get some stuff from them every now and then when they are on sale or if I cannot resist the design/colors, but in general I may look elsewhere because at full price, their quality is not worth the money.

Date of experience: October 8, 2011