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139 reviews
1050 helpful votes

Per VZOchat.com:
October 25, 2009

Per VZOchat.com:_"CRISP VIDEO QUALITY! With our patented Visicron video codec, we have achieved superior video quality, minimal processor and bandwidth usage in our free VZOchat video chat._SAFETY AND PRIVACY. Video chat VZOchat contains no harmful code, no hidden adds, no modules for tracking users. You have total control over the personal data that you share with other video chat users._COMMUNITY: Tell the world about yourself and make new friends. Use the blogs and photo albums on our site. Look for people with similar interests. Communicate your preferred way and JOIN our video chat VZOchat community!_INTEGRATION WITH OTHER WEBSITES: Insert our video chat VZOchat web client into your homepage or blog and stay in touch with your friends!_STABLE CONNECTION, EVEN THROUGH PROXY AND FIREWALLs.
Special technology allows video chat VZOchat clients to work through any HTTPS/SOCKS proxy, and does not require additional firewall settings for a stable and reliable connection.

And finally: Video chat with up to 120 of your friends in VZOchat!"

I've tried VZOchat and found, for my simple purposes, audio, video and size reproduction rival Skype. That's quite a compliment.

Date of experience: October 25, 2009