If it wasn't bad enough that stores started charging their "Paying Customers" what started out to be 5-cents/bag, using the LAME-$#*! EXCUSE that it's would make ppl more consciously more aware of the environment. Either bring your own bags or be punished by having to pay a fee for ours. It PREPOSTEROUS!
These shysters now want u to pay $2.45 for one of their ugly, blue, cheap fabric Walmart bags that isn't even worth 2-cents, much-less 2-dollars!
IF, you happened to forget your reusable bags at home, like the naughty, inconsiderate customer that you are. Ur just gonna have to PAY a ridiculous, out-of-control price for Walmart, a MULTI-TRILLION dollar per year business, to provide you with one of theirs!
Some crackhead in upper management is CLEARLY the one making up these ridiculous prices at the behest of of the greedy $#*!ing, bottom-feeding SCUMBAG CEO's of the company!
It's not even a courtesy or a token of appreciation anymore to provide bags after spending most like hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a MONTH in their store for Christ sakes!
Well, I've had enough of this BULLSH*T! With food, ALONE, being so expensive as it is, and then they're gonna tax u even more by making customers pay $2.45-PER-bag! That, ladies and gentlemen, is a STRAIGHT-UP CRIME.! They are literally ripping off Canadians, n we've all been dumb enough to fall for it.
I KNEW, as soon as they started charging 5-cents for bags, that it wasn't gonna stop there, and I was right.
I love when I'm right, and guess what else I'm gonna be lovin.?... I ain't paying for no more f*cking bags! Call the cops over $2.45. Go right a head!. I live in a border city, and it'll be the LAST time I'll EVER shop at Walmart Canada. As a matter of fact, I'll make such a huge scene about it,. It'll probably end up on the 6 o'clock news! Lol. And rightfully SO!
Nope, that pretty much covers it.