I picked up a 3 D sticker maker for my grandson's birthday. The product did not work, and only after opening it did I realize how cheaply it was made. BUT No product is 100% foolproof. I could not return it to the store in which I had purchased it as I'd lost the receipt and my grandson had destroyed the packaging in his excitement in getting to it and every adult at his party contributed to the disarray trying to get the machine to work. It was not fair to the retailer I purchased it from to eat the cost, so I used the insert that came with the toy to write the company. No response. The following week I wrote again, simply saying, perhaps you did not get my e mail. No response. I wrote every week for seven weeks. I never received a response, nor did I ever get an acknowledgement my e mail had been received, even though I also sent the letter through their website. So I wrote them on Facebook. Since I did not want to run down the company publically I simply said I'd been trying to contact them but could not get a response. I gave the address I was writing to, and the website. No response there either. Sadly I have come to the conclusion the company is not a scam, as they do make toys. But as many products that come from China, they do not stand behind their products and work hard to keep their costs low by using way inferior materials. I suggest before purchasing a toy for a child check who makes it first. We Cool Toys is now on my 'do not buy' list.
Tip for consumers:
I don't know if you want to post this comment but China is shooting itself in the foot
Products used:
We Cool ILY 3D sticker maker.
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