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District of Columbia
3 reviews
6 helpful votes

January 9, 2013



First batch: 4 stars

My first total cart price was $171.09 including shipping. Dividing that by my 15 items, it was about $11.41 each. The shipping was really expensive ($70.29)... but I suppose it's worth it when I add up the costs and divide it like so.

I did not experience any out of stock dilemmas, and I received my package in one week. The quality of the clothes are pretty nice. Very more so than I expected from a wholesale website! There was a tiny hole in one of the hoodies, but it was very small and shallow as it reached the inner cotton and didn't have a hole all the way though. The measurements I'd say are pretty accurate. I made sure to use the measurements rather than relying on how the clothes looked on the models. I'm very satisfied with my purchase and I've already ordered my second haul, shipped at the moment.^^ Hopefully they're just as good as the first batch.


Second batch: 2 stars

I bought a second batch after the first one I reviewed earlier. The experience was not the same. First, for some reason the order was split into two shipments, probably being cheap? Meh. One arrived in about two weeks and the other came in like a month. Not as speedy as the one week shipment last time.

Next, the quality. As expected the sweaters were good and consistent like previously. HOWEVER, there was a detail on the photo that was not on the sweater. There was no indication that the detail wouldn't be on the sweater, and I thought, well why wouldn't it? It's similar to seeing the cat ear details on the sweater and assuming it should be part of the product. However, what came was a plain sweater which I'm furious about because it was a detail specifically chosen as a gift for my friend. I emailed them about it and they stated that the sweater doesn't have any particular design and I made them add that to the product details so hopefully future buyers would also not make the same mistake. I felt very misled by their photos in a way that is different than I would have thought. Usually it's about the quality whether there's a hole or some loose threads, but an ENTIRE featured detail (there was a close-up picture of this heart detail too) was missing. Blah.

After this mishap and how they dealt it with me I will be trying my luck at a different wholesale website. Since my first purchase was decent and my second was horrible, it averages to 3 stars I guess.

Date of experience: November 29, 2012