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2 reviews
11 helpful votes

Did not receive entire order. Customer service stinks.
May 10, 2018

OK, so the website was easy to navigate and the yarn I did receive arrived very quickly. However after opening the package it all went downhill from there. I ordered several skeins of eyelash yarn because their color assortment was huge and Lion Brand has only a couple of Fun Fur colors. The ICE eyelash yarn color was true to the photos, but knits up very sparse. About half as fluffy as Fun Fur. Even so I would have ordered again. What keeps me from ordering again is that 2 items (8 100 gr balls) were missing from my package. I tried contacting them 3 times over a couple of weeks using their website. This is what I wrote:
Tried using this method of communication, but
Still have not heard from anyone regarding items missing from my order.

Eyelash 100gr Black *CEG
Eyelash 100gr Copper *CEG

I would prefer a refund for the yarn and part of the shipping. If this is not possible may I please get the above items in LONG eyelash.

Thank you,

The third time I got this response:

"Thanks for your order and payment.
We have never received any email from the email address fionaandspanky

This is the first email from you.

I would like to inform you that we completely well-packed and shipped the items.
You can check the weight and physical appearance of the package.It is shown as 3280 grams on the document of the package.
Net weight of the items are 3200 grams and If you think the other weight of the package.(weight of the plastics and packaging.), There is not any missing item that we shipped.
If you saw any hole on the package or If you saw that the package was repacked by the shipping service, you will not accept the delivery.
But I see that you checked physical appearance and received the delivery, we can not do anything about it anymore.
Thanks for your understanding.

Well quite frankly I don't understand. Was I supposed to weigh it before I opened it? The package was filled to capacity and did not have any tears or appear to have been tampered with. At first I though maybe the order needed to be shipped in 2 packages. Their shipping prices are high because they are located in Turkey which I understand. I feel extra ripped off because I paid that huge shipping charge for items I didn't receive.

I consider myself to a be a fairly reasonable person, and would probably considered shopping here again if customer service were willing to meet me in the middle. Now not only will I not shop here, but I will only recommend Yarn Paradise to my enemies. I don't have many ;)

Date of experience: May 10, 2018