15 reviews for Yesstyle are not recommended
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1 review
2 helpful votes

Great deals but odd business practices
July 11, 2021

YesStyle typically buys in stock at huge quantities and their warehouses are based in Hong Kong meaning you can purchase products for really great prices. They frequently update the site with sales and price reductions because they frequently restock their warehouses. All of their branded cosmetics and brand name clothes are genuine.

I do find the website to be somewhat misleading. In the EU, you can't create a "false sense of urgency" when it comes to marketing your products to buyers. The YesStyle website is littered with "sale ends soon" warnings and 80% sales that crop up every other month. They are able to bypass these false advertising laws by putting an item back up to full price when low on stock (so as to deter people from buying it) for a few weeks and then dramatically drop the price back down again.

I have only ever had to contact their customer support team once but I have heard horror stories from a friend who explained that it took upwards of 5 emails to actually contact a real human. Not only is their support team largely automated but they also only offer refunds (whether that be for damaged, lost or unfulfilled orders) as store credit unless you open a dispute with your bank. I have never been charged additional customs or handling fees. They do promise to reimburse you for any customs charges but this will only be provided in the form of store credit.

Shipping takes months. Strangely enough I find that my smaller purchases ~£30 arrive much faster than my purchases >£80 even though they aim to ship large orders before small ones. Everytime I have purchased from them, they ship directly to PostNL where it is then relabelled and shipped to me. I assume this is due to the hassle that comes alongside declaring cosmetic goods (as these are much harder to export/import than things like toys or clothes). The worst I had encountered was a smashed box and eyeshadow pallete. Shipping takes on average 16 business days to the UK but I am quite happy to wait.

YesStyle is a great website but it is worth being slightly cautious of their business practices and sales. If you see something you like but it is just too expensive, wait a week or two and the price is bound to drop. I also advise against buying anything fragile like eye shadow palletes as it is not worth the hassle of fixing/contacting customer support should they arrive damaged.

Tip for consumers:

It's worth waiting for the sales

Products used:

Everything I purchased even if it arrived damaged I found a way to fix it

Date of experience: July 11, 2021
15 reviews for Yesstyle are not recommended