Deborah J.
What you will see is a cheap, but attractive, product, offered at a good price. But if you zoom through the checkout process, as I did, you will probably miss the fine print - I literally never saw it! My order apparently was my agreement to initiate a monthly subscription costing just under $20.
I may be to blame for not taking the time to read more closely, but just the same, if an automatic monthly withdrawal from my account is going to ensue because of my ordering from a company, I do believe that should be made VERY apparent from the get-go, and I must say, with shopfemthings, it was NOT.
I feel fortunate that I was refunded the monthly subscription for the 2nd month that it was charged, but in the end, I still ended up paying about $30 for 2 stainless steel rings - the 9.95 offer I responded to, plus the subscription fee of $19.87 that was incurred immediately following my order. The agent I spoke with told me that the first month's subscription fee could not be refunded me, but the more recent fee could, especially because I had cancelled the subscription through their website while the charge was still pending.
I felt like I got out of the trap with minimal damage, so I let it go; although I can tell you I would normally never have gone for paying $15 apiece for 2 stainless steel rings! After all was said and done, that's what I actually paid because of the monthly subscription charge.
So, in closing, I would tell you this company really lost face with me for not being more transparent, but on the other hand, I will give them a bit of credit for actually refunding me anything at all!
Final advice I would give other consumers: with all the places you can shop where your purchase is a simple straight-forward transaction, why bother getting involved in a monthly debit from your bank account just to purchase a cheap item? And yes, I will say from having browsed their site, it is just a collection of cheap items - cute, but you could find the same or similar all over the web, and get them via a simple straight-forward purchase rather than dealing with all the silliness.
I would NOT recommend this website. I really think for what I spent in the end, I could have probably found a better quality item.