Kate F.
My husband filled out an application to rescue a dog because our beloved 12 year old golden died a few months back. He was denied- Unbelievable- what kind of a rescue is this when most applicants are denied for unknown reason. We have great jobs-a big home-over 40 acres of property-a loving family-5 grown children and big hearts to love an animal so what's the problem? We could give the dog a better home than they can? We would do a better job? We thought the idea of a "rescue" was to save the animal from being bounced around and made to feel unloved. We have chosen now to go to our breeder and get a pure bred animal instead of a rescue. How sad is that for the animal we wanted? Shame on the application screeners as I see by the vast negative reviews they obviously need different jobs. Wake up people- it isn't about you! Your rescues haven't got a chance. Hope you're proud.