I had been browsing for sometime to look at the sample purchase agreement. Many sites out there offer forms that you can fill and customize only to realize at the end you have to provide your e-mail and either subscribe or pay high onetime fee. These sites basically waste your time and don't even offer a preview of full form, but they will collect your email and perhaps sell it. On the other hand, 'LEGALTEMPLATES.NET' lets you see the entire form and download w/o any strings attached. They also explain each section in detail so you can decide what information is relevant to your transaction. Truly happy I found this site and highly recommend it for those infrquent users who need a simple legal form w/o subscription.
Thank you for the kind words, Manny! It always makes our day to hear that people like you enjoy our product. Thanks again for taking the time to reach out and share your experience. Please get in touch if you have any other questions or comments.