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Mireia M.

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1 Review by Mireia

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    BÆRSkin Hoodie

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I commanded 3 clothes and I needed an exchange for all of them due to not fitting well. They did exactly what the policy says, with no effort on my part, and the new clothes now fit perfectly and are as warm as advertised.

I commanded 3 clothes and I needed an exchange for all of them due to not fitting well. They did exactly what the Perfect Fit Guarantee says, with no effort on my part, and now I have fitting clothes that work as advertised.


Date of experience: February 2, 2024

Thumbnail of user stephaniec1193
Stephanie C. – BÆRSkin Hoodie Rep

Hi Mireia,

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!

It is very important to us that you had good communication with our customer support team and that everything related to the exchange was easily resolved in your favor.

Our goal is to respond as soon as possible because we prioritize good communication with our customers. We want you to enjoy the shopping process from ordering to consuming the product.

Thank you for choosing our brand! We hope to see you soon in our online store again.

All the best,


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