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Misha L.

Ohio, United States

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1 Review by Misha

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Medium contributes to the western censorship agenda. Any writings that contain opinions on topics such as Covid, Russia, Israel (among others) that doesn't conform to the running narrative will be removed. The Medium "Safety Team" may also suspend accounts depending on the perceived severity of these violations. If you are seeking a free speech platform to share your writings, I highly recommend Substack instead of Medium.

Tip for consumers:
It would have been helpful to know that Medium has a rigid social agenda and clear political leaning that makes certain writings not compatible with their ideology, and therefore not have wasted many hours loading writings to their website that could be censored and removed. If Medium would simply be honest and advertise their stance on topics such as Covid, Russia and Israel, people would not waste their valuable time. But I also understand why Medium can't publicly state these terms legally.

Products used:

Date of experience: February 29, 2024

Misha Has Earned 2 Votes

Misha L.'s review of Medium earned 2 Very Helpful votes

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