Rich D.

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Rich D.
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Hi, My name is Rich and I too have been scammed by Will's Grillz. In January 2013 i contacted Willie Freeman to build me a BBQ Pit Trailer. He talked up a good game but when it came to delivery he procrastinated. We had an agreement to have the grill here for March 1st. It is now 21 days past due. I have been round and round with Will about the grill. He kept telling me it would be here not to worry. After several text messages later... no grill. Now that I have gotten the BBB involved, he wants to sell my grill and refund me the money. Who knows when that will be. I have received very vulgar texts and phone calls from him calling me some choice names... he even resorted to calling me a "Damn Yankee" (Which is funny because that's the name of my biz... lol). He also had the audasity to call me wife names. This man is a very bad business person. Learn from me and the others... DO NOT USE WILLIE FREEMAN!

Date of experience: March 21, 2013